A graduate student is seeking volunteers for a research study addressing the willingness of members of the campus community to share biometric data. The outcome of the research will provide more knowledge about different behaviors between undergraduate students and other campus populations when it comes to the use of biometric information.

The study will be conducted via an online survey (Qualtrics.com) and is expected to take approximately five to 10 minutes to complete. Participants must be affiliated with Wichita State (student, faculty, staff, etc.), be age 18 or older, and have access to the internet to be able to complete the survey. 

For more information, please contact lxbalcarova@shockers.wichita.edu.

Hispanic American Leadership Organization. Interested in volunteering for Miss Latina?

Volunteers are requested for the Miss Latina pageant at 7 p.m. April 16 at the Campus Activities Center theater. The dress rehearsal will be April 15. This volunteer opportunity is open to all students, faculty and staff.

Students who are registered Hispanic American Leadership Organization (HALO) members are required to volunteer for either Si Se Puede or Miss Latina. Volunteer tasks include the following

  • Tech crew
  • Decoration set up
  • backstage manager

An audiology program graduate student from the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders is requesting volunteers for a research study involving persons that can be classified as an English-only speaker or an English-Spanish bilingual speaker. Volunteers must be between the ages of 18-35.

The purpose of this research study is to understand the listening abilities of bilingual individuals in quiet and noisy environments. The results of this research should give the profession of audiology more information on how a second language affects hearing and auditory processing in noise.

Participants will be asked to complete a pre-questionnaire asking for their gender, age group, race, and whether one identifies as a person of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin. After completing the questionnaire, participants’ hearing will be tested in various listening conditions (i.e., hearing tones, repeating words in quiet and in noise, and repeating sentences in noise).

English-only participants will complete the tests in English, while the Spanish-English bilingual participants will complete the tests in both English and Spanish. Participants will then be asked to complete a post-questionnaire asking for feedback on how easy or difficult it was to listen in those various conditions. 

The tests are expected to last less than one hour and will take place at the Evelyn Hendren Cassat Speech, Language, Hearing Clinic on Oliver and 29th Street. 

For more information or to participate, contact Maira Bañuelos Galicia at 316-249-4889 or mxbanuelosgalicia@shockers.wichita.edu. You can also contact Dr. Cynthia Richburg at 316-978-6682 or cynthia.richburg@wichita.edu.


Yellow graphic with black text 'We want your feedback! Participate in the 2022 ADCI Listening Sessions! | 12:30 p.m. Feb. 25 RSC 258 | 5 p.m. Mar. 3 RSC 264 | 1 p.m. Mar. 4 Zoom | The Office of Diversity and Inclusion invites you to participate in the 2022 WSU School of Art, Design and Creative Industries (ADCI) Listening Sessions. Please scan the QR to register for any of the sessions above. Each session will be limited to the first 15 people registered. For questions, contact Alicia Sanchez, assistant dean of students and director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, at alicia.sanchez@wichita.edu.'

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion is interested in learning more about the experiences of School of Art, Design and Creative Industries (ADCI) students at listening sessions March 3 and 4. Students who participate will help to improve the school. The listening sessions will take place at the following times and locations:

  • 5 p.m. March 3 at the RSC (Room 264)
  • 1 p.m. March 4 via Zoom

Registration is required to attend each of these sessions. Each session will be limited to the first 15 people registered.

For more information, contact Alicia Sanchez at Alicia.sanchez@wichita.edu.

A doctoral student in communication sciences and disorders is conducting a study evaluating the auditory nervous system using clinical techniques. Participants must be between the ages of 18 and 35, have normal hearing, have not had an ear infection in the past three months, nor had a cold or flu or nasal allergies in the past two weeks.

Participants will receive a no-cost comprehensive hearing evaluation and ear examination before testing. The testing will last approximately one hour at Hubbard Hall (Room 106). For more information, contact Hannah DeFord at 806-206-6073, or Dr. Xiao-Ming Sun at Xiao-Ming.Sun@wichita.edu.

A research study is looking for volunteers who want to share their stories as adult learners here at Wichita State University. We want to learn more about your experiences and responsibilities. If interested, you will be asked to participate in a 45–60-minute individual interview conducted via Zoom, phone, or in-person per your choice. Participants must be 24 years of age or older and pursue an undergraduate degree. As a thank you for your time and insights, you will receive a swag bag from the Office of Adult Learning. Please reach out to Dr. Victoria Sherif via victoria.sherif@wichita.edu to learn more.

A research study is looking for volunteers who want to share their stories as adult learners here at Wichita State University. Researchers want to learn more about adult learners’ experiences and responsibilities.

If interested, you will be asked to participate in a 45-60-minute individual interview conducted via Zoom, phone, or in-person per your choice. Participants must be 24 years of age or older and pursue an undergraduate degree.

As a thank you for your time and insights, you will receive a swag bag from the Office of Adult Learning. Please reach out to Dr. Victoria Sherif via victoria.sherif@wichita.edu to learn more.

The Student Ambassador Society (SAS is hosting its annual SAS Leadership Conference Wednesday, March 9 at the Rhatigan Student Center. The SAS is looking for volunteers to present in a breakout session at the conference. Presenters are needed for the following times:

  • 10-10:35 a.m.
  • 10:40-11:15 a.m.
  • 11:20-11:55 a.m.

Presenters will have the opportunity to engage with a diverse group of high school students from Kansas and the surrounding states. Breakout sessions will focus on leadership qualities such as adaptability, effective communication and goal setting. Presenters are invited to create and present their own presentations or to use the provided presentations and scripts.

SAS works with the Office of Admissions to share the Shocker experience with prospective students. As a service organization, SAS members work alongside the Office of Admissions to discuss the benefits of a university experience, especially at Wichita State.

For more information or to volunteer, please contact SAS Conference Chair, Lucy Schneider, at saslead@wichita.edu.

Photo of the Arkansas River with the volunteerICT logo.

Are you interested in volunteering but aren’t sure where to start? Visit the VolunteerICT website and search for volunteer opportunities on campus and around Wichita.

For more information, contact volunteerICT@wichita.edu.

Blue and white image with black text that states, "Judges needed for Greek Awards. If interested, contact Abbi Whisler at abbi.whisler@wichita.edu."

The office of Student Engagement, Advocacy & Leadership are requesting six faculty and staff members to help judge the Greek Awards. The following days and times are available for volunteers:

  • 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 11
  • 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 12

For more information, contact abbi.whisler@wichita.edu.

Jewelry artists are invited to participate in an upcoming jewelry fashion extravaganza at the main gallery of CityArts 6-8 p.m. June. 18. There is no entry fee required.

Jewelry artists are invited to participate in an upcoming jewelry fashion extravaganza at the main gallery of CityArts 6-8 p.m. June. 18. There is no entry fee required.

Participants may submit up to five pieces of work to be considered and must meet the following requirement:

  • All pieces must feature colored stones whether polished, faceted or in their raw state.
  • All pieces must be demi-fine or fine quality.
  • All pieces should push the boundaries of wearable art. We are looking for avant-garde
  • All work must be able and ready to be worn. The pieces will be worn in a fashion show, so they must be durable enough to withstand the model walking during the show and worn during a mingle period afterward. All models will wear black or white (designer’s choice). More info on the fashion portion of the show to come.
  • All work may be sold at the artist’s discretion. Artist is responsible for all sales and will keep 100% of the proceeds.

For more information or to participate in the event, contact janet@diamonddivaict.com.