The office of Student Conduct and Community Standards is looking for students to join its Academic Integrity and Student Conduct hearing boards. This is an opportunity to gain community service hours and have a lasting impact on your college campus.

Along with the training to be an active and engaged board member, you will also get to help create the future of what these boards look like. Serving on the Academic Integrity Committee or Student Conduct Board will allow you to meet and work with amazing faculty and staff at WSU, engage with your peers and broaden your network.

If you have any questions or are interested in joining, reach out to Christine Yim at

In preparation for our WuHire transition, the HR Talent Acquisition team will implement the following deadlines related to the hiring of all positions (excluding Division of Industry and Defense Programs). These deadlines will assist us in transitioning from PeopleAdmin to WuHire and provide a more positive experience for candidates.

Posting of benefit-eligible positions

  • PAR forms: Fully approved forms will be accepted by through Friday, Sept. 20.
  • Intake meetings: The last day to complete this process is Friday, Sept. 20.
  • Job posting language: The last day for the hiring manager to approve the job posting language is the end of the day on Monday, Sept. 23.
  • Posting of jobs: The last date to post jobs in PeopleAdmin will be Monday, Sept. 23. Jobs must be fully processed, including intake consultation, to be posted by this date.
  • Any PAR that is fully approved, but not yet posted by Monday, Sept. 23 will be held and posted in WuHire beginning Friday, Oct. 4
  • PAR forms: No PAR forms will be accepted after Friday, Sept. 20. Any requisitions for new positions will be created and processed in WuHire beginning Monday, Oct. 7.

Current benefit-eligible posted positions in PeopleAdmin

  • If involved in an active search process (have interacted with applicants and have a viable candidate pool), the position will be fully hired and on-boarded in the PeopleAdmin system.
  • If a position is not in an active search process (no interaction with applicants or there is not a viable candidate pool), the positions will be closed in PeopleAdmin and re-opened in WuHire. (Note: Applicants will have to reapply to the new posting.)
  • The last day applicants can apply in PeopleAdmin is Tuesday, Oct. 1.
  • All positions in PeopleAdmin will close on Tuesday, Oct. 1.

Hiring non-benefit-eligible (NBE) positions (i.e., student/grad, lecturer, temp):

  • NBE hire requests: The last day to submit forms to is noon on Friday, Sept. 27.
  • After noon on Friday, Sept. 27, non-benefit eligible positions will need to be created in WuHire beginning Monday, Oct. 7.
  • Any NBE hire requests received by noon on Friday, Sept. 27will be processed and completed using current practices with ePAF and PeopleAdmin onboarding.     

Onboarding of new hires (Both benefit-eligible and non-benefit-eligible)

  • For candidates hired in PeopleAdmin, onboarding will continue in PeopleAdmin until Friday, Dec. 13.

If you have any questions, email with subject line “WuHire” to

Students working at a desk

The W. Frank Barton School of Business at Wichita State University is launching SPERO, an organization aimed at unlocking the potential of Wichita and its citizens. SPERO, Latin for “hope,” has a dual focus: preparing individuals to transform their lives through meaningful employment and guiding the efforts of citizens and organizations acting to advance Wichita’s prosperity. For its inaugural year, SPERO will benefit from a $400,000 contribution from the Charles Koch Foundation.

SPERO’s launch will feature two major initiatives, including a Wichita Scorecard, Micro-Credential programs, and a Career Readiness Track.

The Office of Student Success: First-Year Programs is inviting faculty and staff to nominate undergraduate students they believe will make outstanding transition mentors (TMs). TMs play a vital role in guiding, supporting and motivating incoming Shockers throughout summer orientation programs and the fall semester.

A nomination holds the potential to significantly impact the academic journey and future success of new Shockers. Nominations will be accepted until Sept. 30 and applications will open Oct. 1.

Nominate a student. Contact Kaelyn Hannah at for any questions.

Admissions is partnering with PowerPrep Inc. to offer a series of ACT Workshops, the first being scheduled for Oct. 5. These classes allow high school students to develop successful strategies for taking the ACT. Most students who participate see an increase of three to five points on their ACT scores. The cost of the course is $75, lunch is provided.

Later dates to participate in an ACT workshop are Feb. 1 and June 9.

The Office of International Education will be moving to its new location in the lower level of the Shocker Success Center Friday, Sept. 20. The office will be closed beginning at 4 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19 and will reopen Monday, Sept. 23.

Photos of student and employers at the Root Beer Kegger.

The Shocker Career Accelerator is excited to announce that this year’s Career Connection Root Beer Kegger, held Aug. 28, was a remarkable success. 1,205 Wichita State students joined the fun, and the event also welcomed 41 employers.

Shocker Career Accelerator wants to thank the employers, students, outstanding faculty support and the entire campus community for coming together and making this event a success.

Historically, August is a month of transition, with students typically experiencing homesickness and trying to make friends and campus connections. This past month, CARE Team case managers worked with 76 students whose top concerns were distress, basic needs not being met and expressions of hopelessness, fear or worthlessness. Receiving 76 referrals in August is an appropriate reflection of the number of referrals seen over the last three academic years, as the average number of referrals in August is 75. However, one major change that was identified was the severity of student concerns.

The concerns shared above may not sound severe, but the follow-up care that took place shows their severity. In August, nine student transports took place, including students being transported for mental health or medical reasons. These levels of concern are historically what the CARE Team sees around weeks seven through eight of the semester but were occurring in the second and third weeks of students being on campus. When a student is transported to a higher level of care, the case managers for CARE Team work to coordinate services for the student post discharge. This includes setting up supports on campus, coordinating with professors and coordinating services within the community to ensure safety and wellbeing of the student.

In September 2023, the CARE Team saw a drastic increase in referrals as more students responded to wellness surveys and check-ins from staff and faculty, requesting that the CARE Team connect with them to offer support. Knowing this information, the CARE Team can predict that it will likely see a large increase in the number of referrals made to the office, and the severity of student concerns will continue to be present throughout the month of September. If you have any questions regarding CARE Team referrals or are interested in learning about trend observed throughout the semester, contact the CARE Team at 316-978-3149.

Here are ways you can help:

  • If you see something, say something. Concerning behaviors should be shared with the appropriate offices so the student can receive support and barriers can be addressed. The CARE report can be found on the CARE Team website.
  • Attend a CARE Team training. In these trainings, participants discuss the concerning behaviors that take place on WSU’s campus and coach staff and faculty on how to engage in those difficult conversations.
  • Reach out. If you have questions, the CARE Team is happy to discuss your concerns and share how it can support you.

Attention graduate students: Want to have a say on campus and get more involved? Join the Graduate Student Council (GSC), a university-affiliated body representing over 2,700 graduate students at Wichita State.

The GSC focuses on advocacy, support and community-building initiatives, and it’s entirely student-run. If you’re interested, fill out a nomination form.

Graduating this semester? Submit your application for degree. Deadline: September 16

Graduate students who plan to complete all degree requirements this semester must file an application for degree and pay the $25 filing fee. This needs to be done no later than Monday, Sept. 16. Submit your application for degree even if you have a plan of study pending to be approved or have not submitted a plan of study.

To submit your application for degree, log into the myWSU portal and click on the myClasses tab. On the right hand side, you will find a section called “Graduation Links,” with the appropriate links to proceed. The $25 fee must be paid using a credit or debit card.

For questions, email the Graduate School at