The Academic Resources Conference (ARC) provides training and discussion opportunities for all WSU staff and instructors, and as always we are free and online. It’s easy to attend, and here is what we have prepared for today, Wednesday, Aug. 17:

The Academic Resources Conference (ARC) offers a week of training to WSU staff and faculty three times a year. All ARCs have technical training, opportunities for discussion and sharing, and personalized help. All sessions are free and do not require registration. Get the Outlook invites with Zoom links for all of today’s sessions here:

ARC 22 Prepare for the future August 15-19

The Academic Resources Conference (ARC) is open to all staff and faculty; and as always, it’s free and online. Here is what we have scheduled for today, Aug. 16:

The very popular Panel Hour is back as part of the ARC this August, and we hope you plan to join us right from your desk. Each session runs 50 minutes and is online over the lunch hour. Everyone is invited. Here is what we have lined up for you:

The SPTE request form for fall 2022 pre-session courses is available. Please click on the link below to request an evaluation to be administered to your pre-session courses. You also have the option of contacting the Social Science Research Lab’s office at 978-3384.

ARC 22 Prepare for the future August 15-19

The Academic Resources Conference (ARC) is free and open to all WSU staff and instructors. Today is the last day, and we have a big block of lab time available to help people set up Blackboard courses and organizations. We also have a great panel for the lunchtime panel hour. You don’t want to miss out!


Whether you are setting up a course or an organization in Blackboard, the Office of Online Resources is available to help you for several hours each day next week. All help is personalized, private if necessary, and offered online via Zoom. All instructors (including GTAs and adjunct instructors) and all staff are welcome.

ARC Prepare for the Future. August 15-19

The Academic Resources Conference (ARC) is free, online and open to everyone. Here is what we have set up for Monday, Aug. 15:

ARC Prepare for the Future. August 15-19

The Academic Resources Conference (ARC) is back with a week of training Aug. 15-19, and there are sessions for both staff and instructors. As always, sessions are online via Zoom and free. This August you can find training and discussion on topics ranging from Blackboard Ultra to Student Affairs. Here are a few things to look for:

  • Panel Hour each day over lunch
  • Article Club discussion of a Chronicle of Higher Education article
  • Sessions by both the president and the provost
  • OneDrive, Blackboard, Panopto and Examity training

The Student Perception of Teaching Effectiveness (SPTE) request form link has been sent to the email addresses of instructors teaching a course for the first four-week term. Any faculty members who would prefer their course to be evaluated need to submit a request no later than June 15.

Instructors teaching a second four-week or eight-week course will receive an email at a later date. To fill the form out now, visit the SPTE Request form website.