The image has a blue background with red hearts. It says "Digital Democracy on Tap. Kindness Revisited. 12:00 p.m. on December 14. KMUW Wichita 89.1. Engage ICT Democracy on Tap" There is a beer mug with blue and white stars and red, white, and yellow strips. On the right there is an image with a light blue background with red hearts and dots, it says "Viral Kindness. KMUW Wichita 89.1."

For the next edition of Democracy on Tap at noon Tuesday, Dec. 14 the staff of KMUW will revisit highlights from KMUW’s Viral Kindness. Host Sarah Jane Crespo will also catch up with people previously featured on the commentary series for an update on their causes.

Come by the Food Truck Plaza 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. today, Dec. 2 for lunch from The Flying Stove at the Food Truck Plaza. The menu for The Flying Stove is available on Facebook. Grab a meal to go and enjoy it on the patio and green space.

Fairmount College Student Advisory Council Presents Internships!

Are you majoring in the humanities and wondering what kind of internships are available for you? Do you have questions about other liberal arts and sciences majors and how they lead to internships? If so, join the Fairmont College Student Advisory Council for a panel at 1 p.m., today, Dec. 2 at the Rhatigan Student Center (Room 264) or via Zoom (Meeting ID: 656 499 3171 Password: FCSAC).

The event will feature Brian Austin, director of applied learning and internships; Darren DeFrain, associate professor of English; and Jaycie Nelson, student. Drinks and desserts will be offered but attendants should bring their lunch.

Rhatigan Student Center with date and time of seminar 10 a.m. to noon Thursday, Feb. 3, 2022.

Please save the date for the annual Communications Seminar to be held from 10 a.m.-noon Thursday, Feb. 3, 2022, on the third floor of the Rhatigan Student Center. The event will offer participants a chance to gain additional insights, tools and tips to help improve their marketing and communication efforts.

Come by the Food Truck Plaza 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 2 for lunch from The Flying Stove at the Food Truck Plaza. The menu for The Flying Stove is available on Facebook. Grab a meal to go and enjoy it on the patio and green space.

Come by the Food Truck Plaza for lunch from The Flying Stove 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 2 at the Food Truck Plaza. The menu for The Flying Stove is available on Facebook. Grab a meal to go and enjoy it on the patio and green space.

Voices from the Vault: The 1990s. Hock E Aye Vi Edgar Heap of Birds. Ulrich Museum of Art. Tuesday, November 30th. 5:30 P.M. Reception. 6:00 P.M. Program. Free and open to all. Livestream available at:

“The Voices from the Vault” series is back at 6 p.m. today, Nov. 30 at the Ulrich Museum of Art and via YouTube Livestream. There will be a reception before the event at 5:30 p.m. The event will feature Indigenous Artist Hock E Aye Vi Edgar Heap of Birds. His talk, titled “Spirit Citizen: Provocative Native American Public Art and Studio Practice,” will focus on his pieces in the  Ulrich’s permanent collection.

Heap of Birds is one of the leaders of the Tsistsistas (Cheyenne) traditional Elk Warrior Society and lives on the Cheyenne/ Arapaho Nation Reservation in Oklahoma. As an artist and an advocate for Indigenous communities worldwide, his work includes multidisciplinary forms of public art messages, large-scale drawings, Neuf Series acrylic paintings, prints, works in glass and monumental porcelain enamel on steel outdoor sculpture.

While representing Indigenous communities, his art focuses first on social justice and on the personal freedom to live within the tribal circle as an expressive individual.

SAC logo with person sitting on chair and text 'Self-care stop. Dec 1st - 11am to 1pm. RSC 1st floor.'

To help ease the stress of finals week, the Student Activities Council (SAC) will offer students a self-care stop 11-1 p.m. Dec. 1 at the Rhatigan Student Center Atrium.

The event will feature massages and other activities while members of Wichita State’s Counseling and Prevention Services will offer tips on how to manage stress. Hot tea and cocoa will be offered to participants.

The next KMUW Literary Feast will take place 5-6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 15 via Zoom. Literary Feast is KMUW’s monthly book club, featuring selections made by KMUW staff. For December, KMUW has selected “The Lincoln Highway” by Amor Towles.

To join, reserve a free spot at the KMUW Literary Feast website the KMUW staff will email the Zoom link.

For more information about “The Lincoln Highway” and Towles, participants can listen to Beth Golay’s recent interview with the Towles.

A business continuity tabletop exercise is scheduled for Friday, April 15, 2022, at the Metropolitan Complex. This is a required exercise for all departments with a business continuity plan. During the exercise, the trainer will lead a simulated event to test the business continuity plan for each department. More details will be provided as we get closer to the event.

For more information, contact Ellen Abbey at 316-978-5864 or