Celebrate International Games Week noon-5 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 11 at the Ablah Library. International Games Week is an initiative run by volunteers worldwide to reconnect communities through their libraries around the educational, recreational and social value of all types of games. The event will include games out on the main level. 

Picture of Brittany Piper and text ' Brittany Piper Violence Prevention Educator Survivor Healing Coach.'

The College of Health Professions and the Delta Gamma Sorority is hosting Brittany Piper for a presentation about leadership in health at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 15 via Zoom (ID: 886 5498 2301 and Passcode: WSU). Piper is a leading national expert on sexual violence and prevention and is a healing and wellness coach. Piper uses her story of adversity, resilience and triumph to empower and inspire audiences to take brave action in their own lives and communities.

The event is open to the campus community.

ShockStarter presents Fall Scavenger Hunt. November 18, 4-7pm; 4 fall themed stations around WSU. Use on-campus transportation to get from station to station; complete all stations for Shocker march and other prizes! Download the Movatic app to use the on-campus bikes; Download the MyStop app to use the on-campus shuttle.

ShockerStarter will host a game night event 6-10 p.m. Nov. 12 at Braeburn Square. The event is open to the public. The event will feature indoor and outdoor board games and Journey East will host karaoke.

The first 25 guests follow #WSUBraeburnSquare on Instagram and Facebook and post a selfie playing the games using the hashtags #WSUBraeburnSquare and #gamenight@Braeburn are eligible for prizes.

For more information, contact aram.khader@wichita.edu.

Wichita State University’s Eta Kappa Nu (HKN ) Epsilon Xi chapter, the School of Computing, and Industrial Engineering will host a seminar featuring Dr. Christian Becker, University of Mannheim professor for information systems, 12:30-1:30 p.m. today at Jabara Hall (Room 226). Becker will discuss Edge Computing and how it poses new challenges on scheduling in distributed systems.

Becker’s research includes distributed systems, especially in domains such as pervasive computing, edge computing and self-organizing systems. Becker studied Computer Science in Karlsruhe and Kaiserslautern, Germany.

ShockStarter will host a scavenger hunt 4-7 p.m. Nov. 18 on campus. The hunt will include four fall-themed stations around Wichita State. The main booth will be located at Braeburn Square. Participants are encouraged to explore each booth’s activities using campus transportation methods. Games and prizes, including Wichita State merchandise and gift cards to Braeburn attractions, will be available.

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On the next edition of Tuesday Talks, members of Student Health Services and Wichita State students will discuss some of the obstacles transitioning students face. They will also discuss ways to help transitioning students deal with these obstacles.

Join the next Economists Anonymous event as they host Lucas Garcés 7:30-8:30 p.m. Nov. 18 via Zoom. Garcés is a Wichita State alumnus who now works as a reporting analyst at DISH Network. Garcés has experience in data science from his past work as an intern with the WSU in their Information Technology department internship. Garcés will discuss his experiences in the field of data analysis and economics.

To join the event, please contact the group via Shocker Sync (Search for Economist Anonymous).

Image featuring service members during parade and text 'Veterans Day, November 11.'

Wichita State Military and Veteran Services will celebrate the Marine Corps 246th Birthday and Veterans day 3-5 p.m. Nov. 10 at the center in Grace Wilke Hall (Room 105). The celebration is open to the entire campus community. The event will feature a cake cutting, refreshments and a commemorative lapel pin for the event.

'Finding Social Data' 4-5 p.m. Nov. 9, Ablah Library Room 217 (second floor).

University Libraries Savvy Scholar Workshop series continues with Finding  Social Data 4-5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 9 at the Ablah Library (Room 217). This no-cost webinar provide participants with a variety of demographic and social data to better understand demographic groups, large populations and pressing social issues

In white lettering, the image reads "Wichita State University's Humanities Conference: Call for academic, papers, creative works, and all things humanities." Image contains a background of dark blue and light purple galaxy stars with an ink outline of a woman reading a book to the left and a pair of hands outstretched holding a book.

The English Graduate Student Association in conjunction with the Sigma Tau Delta chapter and the Philosophy Society of Wichita State University are currently accepting submissions for the first Wichita State Humanities Conference March 4, 2022. Submissions will be accepted through Dec. 11. The conference will take place on campus and is open to undergraduate and graduate students. A remote attendance option will also be available for audience members and presenters.

To apply, potential presenters must submit an abstract of at least 300 words and a short biography of 100 words. Potential Topics/Subjects may include:

  • Philosophy
  • Language/linguistics
  • Literature
  • Art
  • History
  • Social Sciences
  • Communication
  • Anthropology
  • Theater: Performances and scholarly work
  • Political sciences
  • Creative Pieces: Poetry, visual art and musical performances

Submissions should be papers or presentations related to fields of the humanities and should be 10-15 minutes in length. Submissions selected for the conference will be revealed Jan. 15, 2022.