Shocker Women's Tennis hosting post-match Kids' Clinic on Wednesday, April 6. Match versus Emporia State at 3 PM with free Kids' Clinic and pizza party after the match.

Shocker Women’s Tennis is hosting Emporia State at 3 p.m. Wednesday, April 6 at the Sheldon Coleman Tennis Complex.  After the match (around 5 p.m.), players and coaches will host a free tennis clinic for all kids in attendance, with free pizza being provided by the Maureen Connolly Brinker Tennis Foundation of Kansas.  Bring your own rackets, or we will have rackets available to borrow.  For more info contact Colin Foster at

Pee for Pizza. Step 1: Submit a urine sample. Step 2: Get Free Pizza! Get tested for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia at the Student Wellness Center and get free pizza in return. Other free STI testing available upon request. Wednesday, April 6th. 12:00pm-4:00pm. Student Wellness Center. Call (316)-978-4792 or make an appointment at

New month? It could only mean one thing: New Pee for Pizza event.

This Wednesday, April 6, at the Student Health Services, we will be having a Pee for Pizza event. Make an appointment through your Student Health Portal and we’ll see you on April 6.

International Student Union Presents Interfest: International Food Festival! Neff Hall Courtyard Wednesday April 13th 2022 between 11 am and 2 pm everyone is welcome get a slice of the world

Every semester, the International Student Union, in collaboration with several other student groups and Wichita State organizations, organizes an international food festival called InterFest. During this festival, international students prepare dishes from their home regions, countries, and cultures.

The 2022 InterFest will be celebrated between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 13 at the Neff Hall courtyard. Everyone is invited.

The festival showcases ethnic cuisine, and for a small price, allows the WSU community and visitors to share and taste diverse food and delicacies. The InterFest has become a very popular tradition. It has also emerged as a fundraiser for participating student organizations.

Reach out to our team if you have any questions by sending an email to

Join the Criminal Justice Student Association at 2 p.m. on Monday, April 4 in the LETC third-floor conference room to hear a guest speaker present on the ROTC. CJSA is an organization that allows students of all majors to gain knowledge, resources, and insight on work fields related to criminal justice.

Dr. Netta Engelhardt will be presenting “The Black Hole Information Paradox: A Resolution on the Horizon?” at 2 p.m., April 7 via Zoom. Use the Zoom Meeting ID: 4179547349  and Password: Physics.

Dr. Engelhardt is the Biedenharn Career Development assistant professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She works on quantum gravity, primarily within the framework of the AdS/CFT correspondence. Her research focuses on understanding the dynamics of black holes in quantum gravity, leveraging insights from the interplay between gravity and quantum information via holography. Her current primary interests revolve around the black hole information paradox, the thermodynamic behavior of black holes, and the cosmic censorship hypothesis (which conjectures that singularities are always hidden behind event horizons).

The Watkins Visiting Professorship was created in 1974 by the Watkins Foundation. This grant is now provided through the Watkins fund, a part of the Wichita State University Foundation’s endowment. For more information about this lecture series, contact Dr. David Eichhorn at (316) 978-6659.

Join Kelly Rawlings (Adams) in the discussion of the autobiography by Girma Haben, “The deaf-blind Woman who Conquered Harvard Law” at 6:30 p.m. April 14 at the Advanced Learning Library.

Born with deaf-blindness, Girma grew up with enough vision to know when someone was in front of her and enough hearing to know when someone close to her was talking. However, she had difficulty reading facial features or distinguishing people in group conversations. Relying on her own problem-solving skills, Girma overcame roadblocks, while simultaneously obtaining her undergraduate and then a law degree.

Sarah Robins

Sarah Robins, associate professor of philosophy at the University of Kansas, will give two lectures, as part of the Department of Philosophy’s Distinguished Lecture Series.

She will speak on “The Memory Trace in Philosophy and Neurosciencez’ at  3:30 p.m. Thursday, April 7 in the Harvest Room (RSC 142). Then at 3:30 p.m. Friday, April 8 in 200 Clinton Hall, Robins will speak on “Why Philosophy Matters for the Mind-Brain Sciences.”

Both lectures are free and open to the public.

In addition, Robins will hold a seminar for students only from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Friday, April 8, on “Moral Motivation and Behavior. “Email for the suggested reading and details.

Women in Public Service Activate Logo

Wichita State’s Public Policy and Management Center has scheduled its Women in Public Service (WPS) Conference beginning at 9:15 a.m. April 28 at the Marcus Welcome Center. Cost for the conference is $50 for members and $75 for nonmembers. The registration deadline is 5 p.m. April 22.

Conference breakouts:

  • “Overcoming Strategic Communication Challenges” — Shelly Coleman-Martins, Wichita State University’s vice president of strategic communications and marketing
  • “The Person You Mean to Be” — Alicia Sanchez, Wichita State’s assistant dean of students and director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.
  • “How to Be Innovative Within Confinement” — Sally Stang from the City of Wichita
  • “Telling Stories and Sharing Space” — Claudia Amaro, community journalist

The lunch keynote will be “Activating Your Network” with Christina Long, from the CML Collective, and the closing session will be “Peer Coaching: What Will We Take Forward” with Teresa Schwab.

WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK! PARTICIPATE IN THE ODI LISTENING SESSIONS! | 12:30-2 p.m. | Tuesday, April 5 | RSC 142 | 3:30-5 p.m. | Monday, April 25 | RSC 265 | The Office of Diversity and Inclusion invites students who identify as Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) to attend our upcoming Listening Sessions. | Please scan the QR to register for any of the sessions above. Light refreshments will be served. For questions, contact Alicia Sanchez, assistant dean of students and director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, at

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion invites students who identify as Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) to attend our upcoming listening sessions.

We are interested in learning more about your thoughts and experiences as a student at Wichita State University. If you decide to participate, you will be helping to improve the university climate for you and for future students.

There will be two sessions taking place:

  • 12:30-2 p.m. Tuesday, April 5 in 142 of the Rhatigan Student Center
  • 3:30-5 p.m. Monday, April 25 in 265 of the  Rhatigan Student Center

In order to attend, you must register for the event at the link below.

Learn more about what you can do with a Master's in Public Administration!

Learn more about what you can do with a Master’s in Public Administration. The Hugo Wall Society and the Hugo Wall School of Public Affairs are hosting an informational nonprofit panel to talk about types of nonprofit employment and involvement.

Meet established professionals and ask questions about their careers in public service. All students are welcome and encouraged to attend. We will meet over 5:30-6:30 p.m. Friday, April 1 via Zoom.

Most of the panelists are graduates of the MPA program at Wichita State and represent the following organizations:

  • Big Brothers Big Sisters
  • Guadalupe Clinic
  • WSU Environmental Finance Center
  • Great Plains Nature Center