Today, May 27, is the last day of the May Academic Resources Conference (ARC). The last day will focus on technical training and will feature Blackboard training from Mary Morriss. The schedule for this day will be as follows:
- Technical Training on Blackboard (First session), 9-9:50 a.m. Whether you want to teach in Ultra Course Format or old Blackboard, this session will offer technical training for beginners. This session is the first of 2 that will cover the basics in both formats.
- Technical Training on Blackboard (Second session), 10-10:50 a.m. This session is the second part of Technical Training on Blackboard. It has a different Zoom link than the 9 a.m. session.
- Technical Training Panopto and Zoom, 11-11:50 a.m. This session will cover how to use Panopto and Zoom.