Academic Resources Conference, May 23-27, 2022

President Rick Muma is the featured speaker for the Academic Resources Conference (ARC) today, May 25 via Zoom. The ARC is free and open to all students, faculty and staff. Today’s events will include the following:

  • (Physical) Classroom Update, 9-:50 a.m. Taught by Ryan Corcoran. The physical classroom has changed somewhat since COVID first appeared. This session will walk participants through typical classroom elements and how to use them.
  • Campus Freedom of Expression Update, 10-10 a.m. President Muma will share an update on the campus-wide freedom of expression initiative.
  •  Pedagogy? Andragogy? What’s the Difference? 11-11:50 a.m. Taught by Carolyn Speer. This session focuses on the distinction between pedagogical approaches to teaching and androagogical approaches. What are these approaches and what’s the difference?
  • Retention Panel, Retention Faculty Fellows, noon-12:50 p.m. This panel will focus on initiatives that are designed to improve student retention at Wichita State.
  •  New to WSU? Instructor Onboarding, 1-1:50 p.m. Taught by Carolyn Speer. Whether you are an adjunct instructor, a graduate teaching assistant or a new full-time faculty member, this session is for you. During this session, Speer will discuss how to get support and training at WSU.
  •  Article Club: “Why the Science of Teaching is Often Ignored,” 2-2:50 p.m. Article Club is like a book club with an article, so it’s easier to prepare. To join, click on the title of the article and review it.
  • Getting Started with OER, 3-3:50 p.m. Taught by Maria Sclafani and Victoria Koger. Learn how to lower the cost of your courses with members of University Libraries.
  • Ultra Course Format Gradebook and Grading, 6-6:50 p.m. Taught by Mary Morriss. Have you chosen Ultra Course Format for fall? This session will cover the basics of putting together an Ultra Course.
Academic Resources Conference, May 23-27, 2022

It’s day two of the Academic Resources Conference (ARC) at Wichita State. All sessions are online and free. Here is the schedule for May 24:

  • Accessibility Training for Instructors for AY 2021-22, 9-9:50 a.m. Taught by John Jones. Each year, Wichita Stat instructors must complete mandatory accessibility training. This is an opportunity to get that training for the academic year ending which ends May 31. This session covers the exceptions process.
  •  Gimme Some Space! (Cloud storage options at WSU), 10-10:50 a.m. Taught by Ali Levine. Having a reliable backup version of your work is very important, and the cloud is great for that, but, what is the cloud exactly and how do we use it? This session will help participants learn how to use it.
  •  Myths About Teaching and Learning, 11-11:50 a.m. Taught by Carolyn Speer and Maria Sclafani. Instructors and students alike often believe ideas about teaching and learning that are not supported by research and evidence. This session will hit some of the more popular myths about teaching and learning.
  •  Panel Hour, Portfolios at Wichita State, noon-12:50 p.m. Taught by Kimberly Engber, Chelsea Redger and Carolyn Speer. Did you know that WSU is part of a year-long portfolio institute put on by AAC&U American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)? This panel will discuss eportfolios and how they can work at both the course and program level.
  • Giving Excellent Online Feedback, 1-1:50 p.m. Taught by Jacie Green. Online and hybrid classes are here to stay. To provide the kind of feedback your students need, come to this session about giving excellent online feedback.
  • Encouraging Metacognition in Students, 2-2:50 p.m. Taught by Moriah Beck. This session will cover how to encourage metacognition (thinking about thinking) in your students.
  •  Different Delivery Methods and Their Codes, 3-3:50 p.m. Taught by Carolyn Speer. WSU has a number of different kinds of course delivery options including in-person, hybrid, HyFlex, online synchronous, and online asynchronous. This session will discuss the types and also give participants the key to translating course codes into their actual meanings.
  • What Can LinkedIn Learning Do For My Classes? 4-4:50 p.m. Taught by Reggie Hanson, LinkedIn Learning representative. Wichita State can provide all students, faculty and staff access to LinkedIn Learning courses. This session will discuss how you can get access to these high-quality and free online classes.
  • Basics of Building a Course in Ultra Course Format, 6-6:50 p.m. Taught by Mary Morriss. Have you chosen the Ultra Course Format for fall? This session will discuss the basics of using the Ultra Course Format.

Today, May 27, is the last day of the May Academic Resources Conference (ARC). The last day will focus on technical training and will feature Blackboard training from Mary Morriss. The schedule for this day will be as follows:

  • Technical Training on Blackboard (First session), 9-9:50 a.m. Whether you want to teach in Ultra Course Format or old Blackboard, this session will offer technical training for beginners. This session is the first of 2 that will cover the basics in both formats.
  • Technical Training on Blackboard (Second session), 10-10:50 a.m. This session is the second part of Technical Training on Blackboard. It has a different Zoom link than the 9 a.m. session.
  •  Technical Training Panopto and Zoom, 11-11:50 a.m. This session will cover how to use Panopto and Zoom.
WPS Luncheon superimposed over plates of food and WPS logo.

Join Women in Public Service for a lunch at 11: 30 a.m. June 9 at Wichita State’s Marcus Welcome Center. The event will feature Mona Martin, human resources director at HM Dunn AeroSystems, who will speak about feedback.

The group is also collecting donations for the birthday cake assembly kits for the Kansas Food Bank and will need the following items:

  • Aluminum pan (9-by-13 inches)
  • Cake mix
  • Frosting
  • Sprite (allows recipients to bake without eggs or oil)
  • Birthday candles/sprinkles

For more information, contact

Image features an outline of a feminine body rising to the top of water. In big white letters, it reads, "Mi

Wichita State’s literary journal Mikrokosmos is hosting its launch party for volume 68 at the Ulrich Museum of Art at 5 p.m. Thursday, May 19. Free copies of the journal will be available to all students and alumni that attend, but donations are encouraged.

The last IDP-COE joint seminar for this academic year is on additive manufacturing. Additive manufacturing methods are used for a variety of applications, but there are limitations. Please join us on Friday, May 20 from 1-2 pm in Wallace, room 123 to learn about some of the many activities in this area across the College of Engineering and NIAR.

The last Industry and Defense Program and College of Engineering (last IDP-COE) seminar series of the spring 2022 semester will take place 1-2 p.m. Friday, May 20 at 123 Wallace Hall. The joint seminar will be about additive manufacturing.

Additive manufacturing methods are used for a variety of applications, but there are limitations. Bhisham Sharma, Wichita State assistant professor of aerospace engineering, will present his team’s work on a new design paradigm called single-component multiple-functions to fabricate open-cellular porous structures with complex internal geometries that provide acoustical benefits. Bhisham will also give a brief overview of additive manufacturing methods.

The other section of the seminar will include Jeswin Chankaramangalam, WSU National Institute for Aviation Research program and research manager, will discuss the promise and limitations of additive manufacturing using examples taken from his group’s work at NIAR.

Yellow image with text in black reading join us for Spring 2022Town Hall May 12 33:4:30 p.m. WSU logo.

A live university faculty and staff town hall will be held 3:30-4:30 p.m. Thursday, May 12 via YouTube. This event is an opportunity to listen to and interact with President Rick Muma and Executive Vice President and Provost Shirley Lefever. The event will be moderated by Gabriel Fonseca, University Staff Senate president; and Whitney Bailey, Faculty Senate president.

Faculty and staff who participate can ask questions during the live chat YouTube stream. For participants who don’t have a YouTube account, follow the link below to create one. Creating an account will help facilitate questions in the live chat section of the Virtual Town Hall.

Image of produce.

The Shocker Neighborhood Coalition is teaming up with the Urban League of Kansas Guild and the Kansas Food Bank to provide a fresh produce mobile drive-thru 2-3 p.m. at the Urban League of Kansas (2418 E. 9th St. N.). The line will begin at the Poplar Street entrance. Cars should continue lining up to the North. Anyone in need of food assistance is encouraged to attend. Guests will check in with their zip code and the number of people living in their households.

For more information, please contact Frankie from Kansas Urban League at 316-262-2463 or Ken from  Kansas Food Bank at 316-265-3663.

Image of produce on wooden table.

The Shocker Neighborhood Coalition is teaming up with New Life Church and the Kansas Food Bank to provide a produce pantry 4:45-5:45 p.m. Friday, May 27 at the New Life Church back parking lot (1156 N. Oliver). Anyone in need of food assistance is encouraged to attend. Guests will check in with their ZIP codes and the number of people living in their households.

For more information, please contact Ken from the Kansas Food Bank at 316-265-3663.

Members of the Shocker and local community are invited to the City of Wichita’s weekly briefing at 10:45 a.m. Thursday, May 19 at the Redbud Trail head at Oliver and 17th Street to celebrate the project. The event will celebrate the new signage at the Redbud Trail walk and bike trail, which is part of the Redbud Trail Activation project. The signage was funded by Wesley Healthcare.

Members of the Shocker and local community are invited to the City of Wichita’s weekly briefing at 10:45 a.m. Thursday, May 19 at the Redbud Trail head at Oliver and 17th Street to celebrate the project. The event will celebrate the new signage at the Redbud Trail walk and bike trail, which is part of the Redbud Trail Activation project. The signage was funded by Wesley Healthcare.

The Redbud Trail Activation project is a collaboration between Wesley Healthcare, Bike Walk Wichita, Wichita State University’s Office of Engagement, and the City of Wichita, through the Atwater Neighborhood Resource Center, to increase utilization of the Redbud Trail and to provide healthy opportunities for the university community and neighbors to get active and build relationships.

The wayfinding signs, etiquette signs and mile markers were designed and installed to help residents find connections to nearby services and businesses and to assist emergency services in locating people on the path.