Let's get organized with friends. First year programs. Syllabus Party. Wednesday, August 31. Rhatigan Student Center. Harvest Room 142. Drop in: 11am to 1pm. Free school supplies, snacks. organization help, prizes and more! More information: 316-978-5420. First.Year@wichita.edu

Get organized and ready to start the semester off your best. The Offices of Student Success’ First-Year Programs invites students to join its Syllabus Party 11 a.m.-1 p.m. today, Aug. 31, at 142 Rhatigan Student Center. During the event, students can bring their class syllabi and planners, electronic or paper, and First-Year programs transition mentors and success coaches will provide supplies, snacks, organizational help and prizes.

Students, faculty and staff are invited to the fall 2022 Academic Convocation beginning at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 8 at Wilner Auditorium. Doors will open at 9 a.m. Academic Convocation is the official academic welcome for all first-year students. This event celebrates new Shockers’ entry into higher education and inducts them into a community of learners.

This event is free and open to the entire campus community.

This event will feature director of Engagement Naquela Pack, the speaker pro-tempore of the Student Senate and Underserved Senator Gregory VanDyke Jr., and keynote speaker Kwame Onwuachi, author of the 2022 Common Read book “Notes from a Young Black Chef.”

All 2022 University Faculty Award winners will also be recognized at the event. A reception and book signing will immediately follow at 10:30 a.m. on the second floor of the Ulrich Museum of Art gallery, with an informal question and answer session with Onwuachi at 11:30 a.m. at Shocker Dining Hall.

Space is limited for this event. For additional information and a full list of speakers visit: www.wichita.edu/convocation.

To learn more about Wichita State’s Common Read, visit https://wichita.edu/commonread.

College of Engineering Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences College of Health Professions Clash of the Colleges Save the Date August 26 2022 Cessna Stadium 4pm Visit wichita.edu/clash for more information College of Applied Studies College of Fine Arts W. Frank Barton School of Business

First-Year Programs in Student Success and Campus Activities and Recreation invite you to Clash of the Colleges 4-6 p.m. today between the New Student Athletic Building and Koch Arena. The event will include relay races, team sports and other competitions between academic colleges to determine who rules the school. Participants can join individually or with a group of other students. 

Students who are planning on attending their college pre-party must arrive at the pre-party at the times and locations stated in the RSVP form at wichita.edu/clash. Students must also bring their signed waiver, WSU ID card and wear their college color shirt and comfortable attire. All pre-parties will have shirts for students and the selection of games.

Students who did not RSVP may walk in at their college pre-party or at Cessna Stadium and be placed in a game on a first-come first-serve basis.

Join the Society of Women Engineers for a Scavenger Hunt. Wednesday, August 31. 6:00 PM.

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) will host a scavenger hunt beginning at 6 p.m. today, Aug. 31 at the John Bardo Center Courtyard. The scavenger hunt will include other activities around campus and prizes. Come meet other students and learn more about SWE.

Image of food from The Flying Stove.

Stop by the food truck plaza for lunch with The Flying Stove food truck 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. today, Aug. 26. Since 2011, The Flying Stove has been serving gourmet street cuisine in Wichita, Kansas. The food truck specializes in organic, seasonal and local street food. To order ahead, visit The Flying Stove’s website.

Building Partnerships to Address the Future of Work: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Conference; October 3-4; Hyatt Regency Hotel; Wichita, KS; Hosted by Kansas Board of Regents and KANSASWORKS

The annual Workforce Innovation Conference, hosted by the Kansas Department of Commerce and the Kansas Board of Regents, will take place Oct. 3-4 at the Double Tree by Hilton, Lawrence, Kansas, location.

The cost of the conference is $100. The following times are available:

  • 11:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 3, conference
  • 5-6:30 p.m. Oct. 3, vendor reception
  • 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Oct. 4, conference

The Workforce Innovation Conference will feature a series of presentations and workshops aimed at enhancing and improving workforce solutions in the State of Kansas. The event will also feature local area discussion groups that provide an opportunity for each local area to discuss takeaways from the conference and share ideas that can be implemented in their area.

Please join us for a public lecture by Yang Yang, professor Michigan Technological University titled “A reinterpreted discrete fracture model for fracture and barrier networks,” at 3 p.m. Friday, Sept. 30 at 372 Jabara Hall. Refreshments will be available at 2:30 p.m. at 353 Jabara Hall.

Illustrated image featuring dancers, AHINSA logo and text Bollywood Night.

Wichita State’s Association of Hindu Students in America (AHINSA) will host a Bollywood Night at 8 p.m. tonight, Sept. 2 at the Beggs Ballroom located in the Rhatigan Student Center. The night will offers students a chance to socialize, dance and listen to the latest Bollywood songs.

The dress code is casual or smart casual for both men and women. Closed-toe shoes are requested for men.

Illustration featuring headshot of Nick Elam, Text Nick Elam, Nick Elam, educator and inventor of the Elam Ending for basketball, will speak at Wichita State at 5:15 p.m. tonight, Aug. 23 at 231 Hubbard Hall. The event is free and open to the public., Tuesday, Aug. 23 5:15 p.m. HH 231.

Nick Elam, educator and inventor of the Elam Ending for basketball, will speak at Wichita State at 5:15 p.m. tonight, Aug. 23 at 231 Hubbard Hall. The event is free and open to the public.

The Elam Ending has gained acclaim as an exciting format to end basketball games, and is currently employed by The Basketball Tournament (TBT), including the TBT regional played in Wichita. The story of the Elam Ending is about more than basketball and statistics, it’s about persistence and positive thinking. Elam’s speech will explore the personal side of a 15-year journey to bring a vision to life on the court. The speech will also offer takeaways for future leaders, innovators and risk-takers.

Image of painting Chaz Guest, The Tenth, 2019. Oil paint and ink on linen, 84 x 192 in. Collection of the Ulrich Museum of Art, Gift of Ms. Feng Jianhua through Night Gallery, Los Angeles and Museum Exchange.

The Ulrich Museum of Art will host an event to celebrate its fall exhibitions 5-8 p.m. Aug. 25.

The new exhibitions include “Myths of the West: Stories of the Land and People from Wichita Art Collections,” which introduces viewers to diverse narratives of the history of the American West, focusing on the history of the Great Plains and the perspectives of past and present Native American artists. In addition to this “Cheryl Pope | Variations on a Love Theme” is featured and includes richly textured and colorful pieces that respond to the Western tradition of large-scale easel painting.

Ulrich receptions are free and open to the public. For more information, contact 316-978-3664 or ulrich@wichita.edu.