Looking for electives for summer and fall? Consider enrolling in aging studies. The Department of Public Health Sciences (PHS) offers a range of aging coursework that spans disciplines such as biology, psychology, sociology and health.

For those seeking general education options, consider enrolling in PHS 100: Introduction to Aging Studies, PHS 404: Psychology of Aging or PHS 405: Sociology of Aging. If you are eyeing graduate-level education, explore electives like PHS 625: Senior Community Programming, PHS 710: Perspectives on an Aging Society or PHS 717: Health Communications in Aging.

And for those interested in pursuing a master’s degree, learn more about how you can shape your future with an MA in aging studies.

Are you a staff member who teaches or an instructor who wants to learn more about instructional theory? Then learn more about CI 881, Instructional Theory (CRN 32382).

Students will have the opportunity to learn about practical instructional theory in a fully online course in the summer at WSU. Everything you learn is immediately applied as you design and build your own mini course in Blackboard Ultra. This is an opportunity for instructors who are worried about the transition to Ultra, because they will have practical instruction.

If you work with GTAs who would benefit from the course, you can help spread the word. The course will meet for eight weeks in the summer.

Send any questions to Carolyn Speer at carolyn.speer@wichita.edu. Summer tuition assistance is also due no later than April 15 for those who benefit.

The INSPYRE research lab (directed by Dr. Samantha Slade) is currently recruiting undergraduate mentors for a three-hour course in the fall 2024 semester. Mentors spend lunch and recess with an elementary school student twice each week. In return, mentors receive three hours of course credit and many great experiences.

Mentors are required to: pass a background check, have reliable transportation to and from the elementary school, lunch availability from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at least twice a week and be available for a training at the beginning of the semester.

The class, PSY 608 – Special Investigations, does not meet regularly like a traditional class. Students will, however, have a course syllabus, class readings and paper assignments. Mentors will receive training at the beginning of the course and a grade at the end based on attendance and completion of assignments. Students from any college or major are encouraged to apply.

For more information, contact the INSPYRE research lab at inspyre@wichita.edu.

Register now for the spring 2024 semester of the WSU Badge Program. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your professional skills and knowledge.

What are badges? Badges are academic short courses designed to meet the needs of working professionals like you. With the flexible online format, you can conveniently balance your workload alongside your full-time job and family commitments. Choose from a wide range of courses in business, healthcare, behavioral science or engineering that directly align with your job duties and career goals.

Why choose WSU Badge Program? Earning a badge not only showcases your expertise to employers but also demonstrates your commitment to continuous learning. In today’s rapidly evolving world, staying up-to-date with new skills and technologies is crucial for professional growth. Upon successful completion, you will receive a digital credential that can be shared on social media and shown on your resume, providing concrete evidence of your achievements.

Register now. Visit the WSU Badge Program webpage (badges.wichita.edu) to explore the comprehensive badge catalog and choose the courses that align with your professional goals. Register now and embark on a journey of lifelong learning to enhance your competency. Don’t wait, take the next step today!

Done with endless google searches? LASI 170: Your shortcut to research success at Wichita State!

Today’s information overload world can be less stressful with a plan. In LASI 170, students will tackle information overload by developing practical search strategies and critical thinking skills. It’s the key to academic success and informed decision-making in today’s digital landscape.

The eight-week, one-credit class (CRN 21387) is designed to help students succeed in conducting research for their projects, presentations and papers. Enroll in LASI 170: Introduction to Library Research, and develop research skills.

The INSPYRE research lab, directed by Dr. Samantha Slade, is recruiting undergraduate mentors for a three-hour course in the spring 2023 semester.

Mentors spend lunch and recess with an elementary school student twice each week. In return, mentors receive three hours of course credit. Recruitment is open to students of any college or major.

Mentor requirements:

  • Pass a background check
  • Have reliable transportation to and from the elementary school
  • Have lunch availability from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at least twice a week
  • Be available for training at the beginning of the semester

The class, PSY 608 – Special Investigations, does not meet regularly like a traditional class. The student’s time spent mentoring takes the place of class time.

Mentors will receive training at the beginning of the course and a grade at the end based on attendance and completion of assignments.

For more information, contact the INSPYRE research lab at inspyre@wichita.edu.

Dorothy & Bill Cohen Honors College. More meaningful work. Spring 2024 courses

The Dorothy and Bill Cohen Honors College will offer general education seminar courses during the spring 2024 semester in areas of math and natural sciences, humanities, and social and behavioral sciences. Courses are available to view in the spring 2024 schedule of courses in myWSU.

Check out the list of Honors general education seminars:

  • “The Dynamic Universe,” HNRS 153B (math & natural science gen ed)
  • “History Beyond the Headlines,” HNRS 305N (humanities gen ed)
  • “History of Genocide Past and Present,” HNRS 305O (humanities gen ed)
  • “Black Lives Matter and Other Marginalized Perspectives,” HNRS 306K (social & behavioral sciences gen ed)
  • “Survey of Leadership,” HNRS 351 (humanities gen ed)

Email honors@wichita.edu for more information on Honors courses and the other benefits of joining the Cohen Honors College.

Successful Grantwriting 101: Narrative Writing and Budgets badge

Wichita State’s badge program makes workforce training and continuing education accessible and affordable. Each badge is designed with the practicing professional in mind so coursework can be completed online and at your own pace.

The Successful Grantwriting 101: Narrative Writing and Budgets badge program is a comprehensive introduction to grantwriting. Topics include developing grant opportunities based on your organization’s strategic plan, researching grantmakers (funders), using the Request for Proposals (RFP) for successful project and proposal planning, understanding persuasive narrative writing, preparing the project budget, and optimizing the proposal for re-submission if it is rejected.

Additionally, the Successful Grantwriting 101: Theory and Practice badge program will offer a big-picture approach, more theoretical than the first, hands-on introductory course. Students will engage in discovery learning, focusing on online and library research. The assignments are designed to assist students as grant writers in developing a supportive theoretical structure for their project development and proposal writing processes.

Employees may apply for tuition assistance through Aug. 25 to cover the cost of the badge program.

To register for a badge program, follow the admission/enrollment instructions. For additional assistance, fill out the badge form and a representative from WSU will contact you to assist you with the admission and enrollment process.

Wichita State’s badge program makes workforce training and continuing education accessible and affordable. Each badge is designed with the practicing professional in mind so coursework can be completed online and at your own pace.

The Gender at Work badge program will provide students with essential information about gender issues in the workplace. Students will also learn differences between men and women, issues of masculinity and femininity, challenges for women in the workplace, legal and ethical issues related to gender identity, organizational responses to gender issues. Activities in the course will allow students to experience the cultural differences stemming from gender and gender identity.

Employees may apply for tuition assistance through Aug. 25 to cover the cost of the badge program.

To register for a badge program, follow the admission/enrollment instructions. For additional assistance, fill out the badge form and a representative from WSU will contact you to assist you with the admission and enrollment process.

Care of Populations: Leadership and Systems Thinking badge

Wichita State’s badge program makes workforce training and continuing education accessible and affordable. Each badge is designed with the practicing professional in mind so coursework can be completed online and at your own pace.

The Care of Populations: Leadership and Systems Thinking badge program consistent with collaborative approaches are essential and need to be part of organizations that interest with the larger public health system. This badge will introduce six key practices of collaborative leadership: Assessing the Environment, Creating Clarity, Sharing Power and Influence, Building Trust, Self Reflection, and Developing People. Course activities will build collaborative and team-oriented leadership capacity among public health professionals as well as diverse state and local community partners.

Employees may apply for tuition assistance through Aug. 25 to cover the cost of the badge program.

To register for a badge program, follow the admission/enrollment instructions. For additional assistance, fill out the badge form and a representative from WSU will contact you to assist you with the admission and enrollment process.