The parking lots along Hillside and 21st street will have increased traffic on May 27-28 due to the Kansas State High School Athletics weekend track meet, baseball tournament, and softball tournament. During this time Lots 5, 22, 3N, 3S, 11, 10, 8, 2N, 2E, and 2K will either be closed or reserved for faculty and staff.

In addition to the parking lot closures, Perimeter Road between Alumni Drive and Yale will be a one-way, allowing for only eastbound traffic.

Due to the Girls on the Run 5K Saturday, May 7 parking lots Lot 3 South, Lot 3 North, and Lot 11 will close Friday evening beginning at 5 p.m. until Saturday morning after the run at 10:30 a.m.

Once a year, the campus that is usually home to college students is instead filled with excited middle school girls. The Expanding Your Horizon’s program at WSU provides girls with the opportunity to explore the many possibilities of a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) career. With the help of sponsorships from UnitedHealthcare and Boeing, the program allows these young women to learn about careers they are often not exposed to.

Gracie Haile has been determined to succeed despite the challenges she has faced. While working full-time and taking a full course load, she began to struggle to balance it all just a few semesters away from graduation.

Thanks to WSU’s support system, Gracie was able to get back on her feet with help from financial aid and Wichita State’s CARE team.

Mark and Stacy Parkinson go above and beyond for the recipients of their scholarship for first-generation immigrant students. During spring break 2022, the two funded a trip for the students to visit Washington, D.C.