Graphic with WuShock and the text, "Wichita State Athletics; Weekly Email."

Each week, Shocker Athletics provides an update on the latest results, upcoming events and notable moments in WSU sports history.

Aerospace Night; Tuesday, December 13 | 7 PM; vs Mississippi Valley State; Charles Koch Arena; $15 Tickets for Aerospace Employees; Promo code AIRCAPITAL at

Shocker Men’s Basketball looks forward to celebrating Aerospace Night with discount tickets for all the employees who work on the Innovation Campus on Dec. 13.

Innovation Campus employees can use the link and promo code below to claim $15 tickets for the matchup with Mississippi Valley State.

Women's Shocker Basketball will have a canned food drive when the teams take on North Texas at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19, and Denver at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov, 30.

Shocker Women’s Basketball will have a canned food drive when the team takes on North Texas at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19 and Denver at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 30.

Fans who bring a canned food donation will pay only $5 for admission.

Women's Shocker Basketball will celebrate faculty and staff when the team takes on Denver at 6 p.m Wednesday, Nov, 30. Wear black and yellow and bring your WSU ID to the arena box for free admission.

Women’s Shocker Basketball will celebrate Wichita State faculty and staff when the team takes on Denver at 6 p.m Wednesday, Nov. 30.

Wear black and yellow and bring your WSU ID to the arena box for free admission.

The WSU Graduate School is the featured college of the game during this weekend’s Shocker Women’s Basketball against North Texas at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19.

All Grad School faculty are eligible to receive free admission, but space is limited. Register today.

Make sure to bring your Shocker ID!

The Wichita State Graduate School will be the featured college at this weekend’s Women’s Basketball game against North Texas at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19.

As always, students get in free. If you’re a grad student, don’t miss this chance to be recognized. And all students are encouraged to come cheer on your fellow students and Shocker athletes.

Wear black and yellow, and bring your WSU ID to get in free.

Educator Appreciation Day; Saturday, Nov. 26 vs Tarleton State at Charles Koch Arena; Discounted Tickets for WSU Faculty/Staff using Promo Code SHOCKERFAMILY at

Shocker Men’s Basketball plays host to Tarleton State on Saturday, Nov. 26 for Educator Appreciation Day.

Discounted tickets to the game for WSU faculty and staff start at $12. Go to the link below and use the promo code SHOCKERFAMILY.

Get the family out of the house this holiday weekend and support your Shockers!

Graphic with WuShock and the text, "Wichita State Athletics; Weekly Email."

Each week, Shocker Athletics provides an update on the latest results, upcoming events and notable moments in WSU sports history.

Yellow Crewneck Sweatshirt with Santa's Favorite SHOCKER written on two lines... there is also a Santa Hat above the R of Shocker and wu as the O in Shocker. Black crewneck sweatshirt with SHOCKERS written on top for elf legs that have yellow black and white designs on them

Show your Shocker holiday spirit with the Holiday Sweatshirt Fundraiser for Wichita State track and field and cross country programs now through Nov. 22.

Orders will be ready for pickup from 9 a.m. to noon Dec. 5-8 at the track and field and cross country offices in the Student-Athlete Success Center located near Koch Arena and Cessna Stadium.

Pregame light show coming Saturday to Charles Koch Arena; Download the GoShockers App to participate

Shocker Athletics is unveiling a new pregame light show experience at the Shocker men’s basketball game 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 12. To take part in the light show during the game, download the GoShockers App from the App Store or Google Play Store and follow the steps before the game starts.

Fans are encouraged to be in their seats by 2:45 p.m. to participate.

As always, WSU students receive free admission to the game by presenting their Shocker ID to claim a ticket from one of the following locations:

  • Charles Koch Arena ticket office
  • Rhatigan Student Center Shocker Store
  • Braeburn Square Shocker Store
  • Heskett Center
  • Shocker Hall
  • The Suites
  • Wichita State south and west locations