Photo of students on campus socializing.

As faculty and staff start planning for the fall semester, listen to the panelists from the April Teaching Matters event as they share their insights on the incoming freshmen for the semester.

The podcast is available online and featured three local high school instructors with tips on how to meet new students where they are.

Graphic with the text, "Forward Together with President Rick Muma. WSU | Wichita State University."

Make sure to catch the May edition of the “Forward Together” podcast. In this month’s episodes, President Muma speaks with Ebony Moore, Ryan Walter and Kyle Walter, students interning at Deloitte’s Smart Factory @ Wichita; Brittany Wojciechowski, a first-generation student working on her Ph.D. in aerospace engineering; and Joshua Senn, a graduate student in the College of Fine Arts’ choral conducting program.

Watch the episodes here — Ebony Moore, Ryan Walter and Kyle Walter; Brittany Wojciechowski, Joshua Senn — or listen at or on Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts or Apple Podcasts (iTunes).

Subscribe here and be notified when new episodes are available.

Make sure to catch the latest episode of the “Forward Together” podcast, where President Muma speaks with Jonna Mendez, the former chief of disguise at the CIA, about her time at Wichita State and the path that led to be an expert in disguise, identity transformation and clandestine imaging.

Watch it here — — or listen at or on Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts or Apple Podcasts (iTunes).

The next episode will feature current Shocker students and their experiences learning, working and growing at WSU. Subscribe here and be notified when new episodes are available.

Make sure to catch the latest episode of the “Forward Together” podcast, where President Muma speaks with Jonna Mendez, the former chief of disguise at the CIA, about her time at Wichita State and the path that led to be an expert in disguise, identity transformation and clandestine imaging.

Watch it here — — or listen at or on Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts or Apple Podcasts (iTunes).

The next episode will feature current Shocker students and their experiences learning, working and growing at WSU. Subscribe here and be notified when new episodes are available.

Photo of students sitting on a lawn.

For anyone who was interested but unable to attend the final Teaching Matters session April 7, the podcast is now available.

The event featured a panel of three local high school instructors sharing their insights on the incoming freshman class. To listen or to view the content from previous Teaching Matters sessions, visit the Teaching Matters homepage.

Make sure to catch the latest episode of the “Forward Together” podcast, where President Muma speaks with Stephen Laaper, a principal at Deloitte Consulting, about the Smart Factory @ Wichita, a groundbreaking, immersive learning environment for business leaders to experience smart manufacturing solutions.

Watch it here — — or listen at or on Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts or Apple Podcasts (iTunes).

The next episode will focus on a WSU alum who worked for the CIA. Subscribe here and be notified when new episodes are available.

Make sure to catch the latest episode of the “Forward Together” podcast, where President Muma speaks with Dr. Mona Nemer, chief science advisor to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who also spoke at Wichita State’s fall 2022 commencement.

Watch it here — — or listen at or on Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts and Apple Podcasts (iTunes).

The next episode will focus on one of WSU’s innovation partners. Subscribe here and be notified when new episodes are available.

Make sure to catch the latest episode of the “Forward Together” podcast, where President Muma speaks with John Tomblin, senior vice president for Industry and Defense and executive director of NIAR.

Watch it here — — or listen at or on Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts and Apple Podcasts (iTunes).

The next episode will focus on research and development (R&D), as well as industry and defense. Subscribe here and be notified when new episodes are available.

Make sure to catch the latest episode of the “Forward Together” podcast, where President Muma speaks with two educational leaders — Provost and Executive Vice President Dr. Shirley Lefever and Wichita Public Schools Superintendent Alicia Thompson.

Watch it here — — or listen at or on Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts and Apple Podcasts (iTunes).

The next episode will focus on research and development (R&D), as well as industry and defense. Subscribe here and be notified when new episodes are available.