The majority of the parking at Lot 41, the lot near Woolsey Hall, will be closed Thursday, Feb. 6 for an event in the building. Faculty and staff that typically park in this lot will need to park in other yellow lots during this time. The YMCA lot is not available for faculty, staff or event guest parking and could result in a citation.

The purpose of lot reservations is to help accommodate large groups of guests visiting campus for events or the event itself. Lot reservations are not to be used for WSU affiliates. Remember, visitors to campus can park without an ePermit up to three times each semester.

Red reserved and ADA stalls are not subject to lot closures and proper use is permitted during this time.

For the Wednesday, Jan. 29 Shocker men’s basketball game, a number of lots in the vicinity of Charles Koch Arena will be reserved for Shocker Athletic Scholarship Organization parking beginning at 3:30 p.m. During this time, signage will be in place alerting drivers of the impending lot assignment changes.

Anyone previously parked in these lots will need to move their cars by 3:30 p.m. Any unauthorized parking in a game day lot carries a $50 citation fine.

Parking garage at Wichita State

There is still a limited number of garage add-on ePermits available for purchase. Any current ePermit holder is eligible to purchase this add-on for $50. The add-on will allow ePermit holders to park on floor two, the ramp to three, floor three and the ramp to four without having to pay the hourly rate.

This ePermit is for sale in person at the Parking Services building lobby or in the drive through on the north side of the building. Payment is to be with cash or check only. You must have a current ePermit on file or you will be required to buy one at the time of the add-on purchase.

For questions on the add-on or parking in general, email or call 316-978-5526.

Lot 20, the parking lot west of Wilner Auditorium, will be closed Friday, Jan. 24 for the Winter Welcome event. Faculty and staff that typically park in this lot will need to park in other yellow lots in the area.

Red reserved and ADA stalls are not subject to lot closures and proper use is permitted during this time.

Lot 41, the parking lot adjacent to Woolsey Hall, will be closed Wednesday, Jan. 15 for the Wichita Business Journal Luncheon in partnership with Wichita State.

Red reserved and ADA stalls are not subject to lot closures and proper use is permitted during this time.

For the Tuesday, Jan. 14 Shocker men’s basketball game, a number of lots in the vicinity of Charles Koch Arena will be reserved for Shocker Athletic Scholarship Organization parking beginning at 3:30 p.m. During this time, signage will be in place alerting drivers of the impending lot assignment changes.

Anyone previously parked in these lots will need to move their cars by 3:30 p.m. Any unauthorized parking in a game day lot carries a $50 citation fine.

Parking garage at Wichita State

The parking garage add-on ePermit for spring 2025 is now on sale. Any current ePermit holder is eligible to purchase this add-on for $50. The add-on will allow ePermit holders to park on floor two, the ramp to three, floor three and the ramp to four without having to pay the hourly rate. The ePermit is active at the time of purchase and is good through June 30.

This ePermit is for sale in person at the Parking Services building lobby or in the drive through on the north side of the building. Payment is to be with cash or check only and a limited amount of these ePermits will be made available. You must have a current ePermit on file or you will be required to buy one at the time of the add-on purchase.

For questions on the add-on or parking in general, email or call 316-978-5526.

For the Monday, Jan. 6 Shocker men’s basketball game, a number of lots in the vicinity of Charles Koch Arena will be reserved for Shocker Athletic Scholarship Organization parking beginning at 3 p.m. During this time, signage will be in place alerting drivers of the impending lot assignment changes.

Anyone previously parked in these lots will need to move their cars by 3 p.m. Any unauthorized parking in a game day lot carries a $50 citation fine.

Game day parking will be enforced several times over the winter closedown for Shocker men’s basketball games. On these days a number of lots in the vicinity of Charles Koch Arena will be reserved for Shocker Athletic Scholarship Organization parking beginning three hours prior to tip-off. During this time, signage will be in place alerting drivers of the impending lot assignment changes.

Anyone previously parked in these lots at closure times will need to move their cars. Any unauthorized parking in a game day lot carries a $50 citation fine.

  • Dec. 21, lots close at 3:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 29, lots close at 2 p.m.

Wichita Transit’s route 202 will continue to run during winter closedown, Dec. 21-Jan. 5, 2025. Route 202A will stop running on Dec. 20 and will restart in the new year on Jan. 6, 2025. Additionally, all routes will end at 8 p.m. Dec. 24 and Dec. 31. These are the routes that primarily service WSU main campus.