Image Alt Text Pictures of Hassan Alshawi, Heather Stafford, Tonya Baldwin, and Joyce Chiam with Text: Wichita State University Student Health Services, Tuesday Talks, New international Shockers.

For this week’s Tuesday Talks, watch Nurse Heather Stafford, Student Health Services associate director; Tonya Baldwin, International Education; and Hassan Alshawi and Joyce Chiam, WSU students, as they discuss what new international students need to know about staying healthy at WSU.

Parking lots 3N and 3S at the northeast corner of Cessna Stadium will be ready for general use Friday, July 23. Lot 2E at the northwest corner of Koch Arena will be ready Saturday, July 24.

Beginning Monday, July 26, lot 11 between Cessna Stadium and Devlin Hall will be closed for repairs. The lot will reopen later in the week if there is no inclement weather.

Future repairs are scheduled for lots 19E and 19W located near Eck Stadium, and lot 7 in front of the Rhatigan Student Center.

Effective Sunday, Aug. 1, Sunflower Travel agency will be increasing its booking fees for airfare, hotel and vehicle rental reservations. The new prices are as follows:

  • Hotel and vehicle reservations $15.00
  • Airfare bookings $30.00

For more information, contact Laurie O’Leary at 316-733-2753, or email at . For other travel-related questions, email

Student Health Services will close Thursday, July 22, for staff training. The office will reopen at 8 a.m. Friday, July 23.

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion will close Friday, July 30, for a student and staff retreat. For more information, email

To request a Student Perception of Teaching Effectiveness (SPTE) evaluation for your pre-session course, please visit the Social Science Research Lab website to download the form.

boat with four men row in a racing shell. The head line text reads "Shocker Rowing". Below reads "Plains Regional - Women's 4+ A 1st place, Women's 4+ B 1st, Women's Varsity 8+, Men's 2x 1st and 2nd, Men's 4+ A 1st and 3rd, Men's 4+ B 1st and 2nd, Men's 8+ 1st and 3rd". Below that reads "Oak Ridge- Women's 2x 2nd, Women's Novice 4+ 1st, Women's Novice 8+ 1st, Women's Varsity 8+ 2nd, Men's Varsity 2x A 2nd, Men's Varsity 2x C 2nd, Men's 4x 1st, Men's Novice 4 3rd". Next to that reads "Dad Vails- Men's 4x 1st and Women's 4+ 3rd."

Shocker Rowing had an eventful spring semester. From May 1-23, the team traveled nationwide and competed at events including the Plains Regional at the Shocker Boathouse located in Wichita, Dad Vails in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Oak Ridge. Tennessee. The Shockers scored a total of 21 medals in the competitions.

Shocker Career Accelerator. Wichita State University. Virtual on-campus job fair.

There’s still time to register and sign-up on schedules to meet Wichita State employers for the virtual on-campus job fair 1- 3 p.m. Thursday, July 22 via Handshake.

Staff from various departments across campus are hiring for student assistant, work-study and graduate assistant employment positions available for the upcoming academic year.

Beginning Wednesday, July 21, parking lot 2E on the northeast side of Koch Arena will close  for repairs. The lot will remain closed for approximately one week. During this time, please make arrangements to park in other lots. People who need of access to the track at Cessna Stadium need to find another route to avoid walking through the construction zone.

Additionally, repair work in lots 3N and 3S on the northeast side of Cessna Stadium will continue for the rest of the week. Once these two lots are repaired and ready for use, lot 11 in front of Devlin Hall will be closed for repairs.

Stack of books featuring text "syllabus."

The latest course syllabus template is now available on the Wichita State University Faculty Advancement webpage.

This year, language regarding university policies and student resources is provided in a hyperlink instead of inserted in the body of the document. This allows policy content to be updated regularly without faculty having to change their syllabus or search for the newest template. If you would like to remove these additional pages from your template, just use the following link instead: