In the last three semesters, the College of Health Professions has hosted over 1,000 high school students from over 20 high schools around the state of Kansas. The students have come to tour the Scientific Foundations Division’s state-of-the-art human simulation and human gross anatomy laboratories located in Ahlberg Hall.
During the tours, students are involved in hands-on learning experiences with synthetic cadavers, cardiopulmonary patient simulators and physiological human testing in the Human “Sim Lab.”
The college’s gross anatomy lab, the largest in south-central Kansas, offers high school students an opportunity to view and handle human cadavers and see firsthand how anatomical systems are structured throughout the body.
Also available for high school students are visits to the medical laboratory science labs and a tour of the Nursing Simulation Lab to interact with high fidelity simulated patient manikins.
The tours are designed to help students interested in health professions hone their career choices and learn how the College of Health Professions is leading change in healthcare education.