PIcture of Tom Gentile.

Tom Gentile, president and CEO of Spirit AeroSystems, has been named as the newest member of the Dean’s Advisory Board for Wichita State’s W. Frank Barton School of Business.

As a member of the Dean’s Advisory Board, Gentile will provide guidance on the Barton School’s strategic direction, innovative curriculum, impactful student experience and industry engagement. The current board is comprised of 50 diverse industry leaders from around the country.

Stephanie and Matt Clark

In 2006, two former Wichita State students traveled to Ukraine to teach for the Peace Corps.

Locals asked if the Americans knew Britney Spears. They helped them learn a language. They welcomed them with foods such as borscht and layered salads with beets, eggs and mayonnaise.

Nelsen Peterson, a 1990 Wichita State graduate, in Kharkiv in 2014.

The dark blue Kharkiv baseball shirt hangs over the whiteboard in Nelsen Petersen’s classroom as a history lesson and a statement of support.

Petersen, a 1990 Wichita State graduate who majored in biology, is a high school teacher, author, filmmaker and running enthusiast who developed strong connections with Ukraine during his travels.

Image of Kansas Capitol with stars above it and text 2022 Kansas Undergraduate Research.

Three Wichita State students’ projects are being highlighted as a part of the Kansas Undergraduate Research Day event March 1-3.

“The student research selected this year offers new understanding of communities in Kansas and beyond,” Kimberly Engber, dean of the Dorothy and Bill Cohen Honors College, said. “These students challenge the boundaries of their majors and push us to think about language, behavioral health, and social determinants. Each year we’re grateful for the opportunity to showcase the high quality of undergraduate work at Wichita State and across Kansas to state legislators and other guests visiting Undergraduate Research Day.”

The Cohen Honors College coordinates WSU’s participation in the events every year. Any student may apply to participate, and the selection of students this year was made by a faculty committee.

Wichita State University. I am FIRST generation. Tmori Wright, Major: computer science, Hometown: Wichita, Kansas. F1RST-GEN SHOCKERS.

Focus on first-gen: This week we highlight Tmori Wright, who is majoring in computer science:

How does it feel to be the first member of your family to attend college?
Honestly, it feels like I’m living in a dream every day that I wake up. I feel so humbled and motivated to fulfill the goals that I’ve established for myself.

What piece of advice would you share with an incoming first-generation college student?
Time doesn’t stop so why should you. In the midst of this experience always walk with your head up and never be afraid to ask for help.

Any advice you would share with the Wichita State community working with first-generation students?
You are about to be a part of something special and your presence is valuable. Those words of encouragement from a faculty member fill our hearts with joy.

What do you hope to do after you graduate from Wichita State?
I plan to pursue my dreams of playing in the NBA. I also hope to establish a great career in the Tech world by creating video games and designing software that improves day-to-day life.

Signup to join the First-Gen Affinity Shockers — Sign up to join the First-Gen Affinity Shockers (FGAS)—This group is designed to foster a community of first-generation professionals, build a group that offers professional development and networking opportunities. It is also meant to foster an environment where common experiences can be shared while addressing the needs of first-gen professionals as they navigate Wichita State University. 

Delia Garcia

From its early days as Fairmount College, Wichita State University has celebrated a rich history of women who have worked to build a better community and a better world. In commemoration of Women’s History Month, we’ve compiled a list of just a few of the women who have contributed to the greatness of Shocker Nation.

Picture of all nine Koch Scholars: Spencer Blaine Clayton Dudley Gannon Hall Kathryn Kuhlman Stewart McClelland Samuel Morris James Peterson Evan Rust Akasha Schlicht.

Wichita State’s Dorothy and Bill Cohen Honors College is proud to announce nine recipients of the Koch Scholars Program for the fall 2022 semester. These nine recipients will each be awarded $30,000 over the next four years.

Wichita State alumnus J. Robert Young has pledged a gift of $3 million to provide resources that will help students build successful careers. Of that total, $2 million will endow the J. Robert Young Executive-in-Residence Program in the W. Frank Barton School of Business. The remaining $1 million will support the Shocker Success Center project, which will consolidate 17 student services in Clinton Hall.

The Dean’s Advisory Board for the W. Frank Barton School of Business at Wichita State University is excited to announce Margaret Dechant as its new leader.

Dechant, CEO and partner at 6 Meridian, will take over for Clark Bastian. Dechant currently serves as a member of the board and looks to bring her knowledge and passion for the Barton School and WSU to her appointment.

A volunteer picks up litter as part of WSU Environmental litter study.

When it comes to keeping our city clean, Wichitans can do better. 

That’s according to a litter study conducted by Wichita State University’s Environment Finance Center, which surveyed a dozen parks within the city limits during the summer of 2021