Please join us for our next Physics Seminar at 2 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 8 via Zoom. The talk features Dr. Paul Schotanus, from Scionix Holland BV, Bunnik, the Netherlands. The title of the seminar is “Recent and Possible Future Developments in Scintillation Materials.”

Graphic featuring text 'Please join society of women engineers for a resume review workshop in partnership with the Wichita Professional SWE Section. September 9, 7:00-9:00 pm, Partnership 2 A131.'

Wichita State’s Society of Women (SWE) Engineers is inviting students to a resume workshop 7-9 p.m. Sept. 9 at the Partnership 2 Building in room A13. Participants can bring a draft resume and receive tips from SWE professionals.

The event is a partnership with the Wichita SWE professional section and will offer participants a chance to prepare for the upcoming Engineering and I.T. Career Fair 2-5 p.m. Sept. 14 outside the John Bardo Center.

Picture of musicians Dr. Timothy Jones (violin) and Gene Philley (piano). Image of bust of composer Johannes Brahms. Date, time and location of recital: Sunday Sept. 12, 3pm, Wichita State University Wiedemann Hall

Dr. Timothy Jones, Wichita State’s College of Fine Arts assistant professor of violin, will perform a recital on campus with pianist Gene Philley at 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12.

The performance is free for WSU students. The cost of admission for faculty, staff, senior citizens, and the military is $10. For all other adult attendants, the cost of admission is $12. Children’s admission is $6.

Jones and Philley will present a program of works by Johannes Brahms, one of the great masters of German Romanticism.

Graphic featuring text 'Society of Women Engineers Tie-Dye Night. Sept 10, 2021, 5pm - 7pm, JBC Courtyard. Join us for free SWE T-shirts and tie dye. Come and go as you are able.'

Join Wichita State’s Society of Women Engineers (SWE) for an evening of tie-dye 5-7 p.m. Sept. 10 at the John Bardo Center courtyard.

Free SWE-branded T-shirts will be provided for participants in a variety of colors.

Shock This Space! an Accessibility Story Challenge is a Wichita State University Hackathon where students write, design, and share. The event is sponsored by the Student Activities Council, Innovation Fellows, English Department, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, and Office of Disability Services.

Shock This Space is a 24-Hour hackathon for students to work alone or in teams to create a comic or short graphic narrative around the topic of accessibility 7  p.m.-7 p.m. Oct.7-8 at the John Bardo Center. The winning individual or team will receive a $500 cash award.

During the hack, students will write, design, and present their stories. Stories can include explaining what accessibility is, why it is important, how it is achieved, problems achieving it on a college campus or why it benefits everyone. 

Shock This Space is sponsored by Wichita State’s Department of English, the Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Office of Disability Services, the Student Activities Council, and the University Innovation Fellows.

The deadline to enter is midnight Sunday,  Oct. 3.

Decorative Image Research Workshop Sign Up Now Office of Research Wichita State University

If you are new at applying for external funding or new to applying for external funding at WSU, please plan to attend a one-hour Introduction to the WSU Office of Research Workshop which will take place at the dates below via Zoom.

  • 3 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 9
  • noon, Wednesday, Sept. 15
  • 4 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 21
  • 9 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 30

The one-hour workshop will include resources and contact information, Wichita State policies and procedures, ideas on searching for funding opportunities, basic project budgeting and grant writing tips.

To attend, sign up via MyTraining in MyWSU, or email

Engineering & I.T. Career Fair

Faculty and staff, please encourage your students to attend the Engineering and I.T. Career Fair 2-5 p.m. Sept. 14 outside the John Bardo Center.

The event provides students the opportunity to connect with employers hiring interns, co-op students and full-time employees for jobs in the engineering and I.T. career-field.

Engineering & I.T. Career Fair
Don’t miss the Engineering and I.T. Career Fair 2-5 p.m. Sept. 14 outside the John Bardo Center.
The event provides students the opportunity to connect with employers hiring interns, co-op students and full-time employees for jobs in the engineering and I.T. career-field.
Need help with Ultra? There is another "Please Help Me With Ultra!" workshop 10:30 a.m. to noon Thursday, Sept. 9 via Zoom.

Need help with Ultra? There is another “Please Help Me With Ultra!” workshop 10:30 a.m. to noon Thursday, Sept. 9 via Zoom. The class is hosted by Mary Morriss Media Resources Center Learning Management System specialist and Dr. Freh Wuhib, MRC Science, Technology, Engineering and Math senior instructional designer.

Graphic featuring text 'Another adventrue-Join us for a going-away party in honor of Nancy Loosle-Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021-4-5 p.m.-Rhatigan Student Center Aster Lounch-Third floor.'

Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Teri Hall will host a come-and-go reception for Nancy Loosle 4-5 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 1 at the Aster Lounge located on the third floor of the Rhatigan Student Center. Brief remarks will take place at 4:15 p.m.

Nancy will be leaving her position as assistant dean of students and director of student involvement for a new position at Radford University in Roanoke, Virginia. Nancy has been an instrumental part of the development of Wichita State’s Division of Student Affairs for almost 20 years. Her role has evolved and developed as WSU Student Involvement changed to adjust to the changing needs of students and the institution. She has been a valued voice on the WSU Student Affairs Leadership Team and within the dean of students area. She has mentored and advised countless students and young professionals. Her steady leadership will be greatly missed.

The WSU Division of Student Affairs thanks Nancy for the incredible work she has done during her time at WSU, and congratulates her for the opportunity to share her skills with a new institution.