Choral concerts return to campus after more than 20 months without in-person concerts. On Tuesday, Oct. 5 and Thursday Oct. 7 the choral area will present programs in collaboration with Wichita East High School and Maize South High School. The programs will begin at 7:30 pm in Wiedemann Auditorium.

We want to hear from you! Brainstorming and Information Session, 6 pm, Ocotber 5, 2021. Partnership 2 Room A131. Come learn about membership, the national WE21 conference, and upcoming events - and tell us what you want to get out of your year with SWE!

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) will hold a brainstorming and information Session beginning at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 5 at Partnership 2 (room A131).

This is a great opportunity to learn more about SWE membership and the national WE21 conference. SWE also wants to hear from participants about what types of events participants want to attend and what they hope to gain from their time with SWE.

Image that shows the WSU logo and says Wichita State University. It's a great day to be a shocker! Find out more about our graduate programs. MSW INFO SESSION Connect with us on one of the virtual meeting dates below to start planning your future with the Wichita State University School of Social Work, every 8th this fall semester! September 8th - 4pm October 8th - 11am Novemer 8th - 6pm December 8th - 12pm.

Are you looking at graduate school for 2022?  Attend one of Wichita State’s Master of Social Work (MSW) degree informational sessions via Zoom at the following dates:

  • 11 a.m. Oct. 8
  • 6 p.m. Nov. 8
  • noon Dec. 8

Students of any major are eligible to apply for our Master of Social Work program.

The deadline for the 2022-23 MSW program applications is Jan.14.

Sessions will introduce students to the MSW program, allow them to meet faculty members, and walk them through the application process. A graduate record examination is not required for admission consideration.

For more information or to attend the Zoom sessions, contact Shaunna Millar, MSW director at Please include your WSU ID in the email.

Fright Night Free haunted house, glow yoga, movies, games, snacks and more! | Friday, October 29, 8 p.m.

Join Campus Recreation for a free night of frightful fun beginning at 8 p.m. Oct. 29 at the Heskett Center. Enjoy a haunted house, glow yoga, movies, games, snacks and more.

Image of hands of different colors holding the globe.

The next Global Village Assembly (GVA) will take place 7-9 p.m. Oct. 7 at Hubbard Hall (room 209) and via Zoom (meeting ID – 916 2168 2753, passcode – 072896). GVA is a yearly meeting of campus and Wichita communities to share views about common themes.

The 2021 theme is Ethnic Studies. During the event, attendants are invited to take the mic and voice an opinion using speech, poetry, song, dance or any medium of choice for two to four minutes.

GVA is organized by Wichita State’s Women’s Studies, the Office of the Vice President for Diversity and the Fairmount College of Arts and Sciences.

For more information, contact,, or

Graphic featuring blue, pink and yellow monster surrounding blue car full of candy with text 'October 23, 2021-1-4 p.m. RSC South Parking Lot.

Student organizations, groups, businesses and community partners are invited to host a decorated car for Wichita State’s 2021 Trunk or Treat set for 1-4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 23 at the Rhatigan Student Center south lot.

For safety reasons, each car must be accompanied by at least three members of the participating group and they must remain on-site from noon to 4:30 p.m. Participants must provide enough candy or giveaways for approximately 800 children, with each child receiving one to two pieces of candy per car (1,600 pieces or more).

Trunk or Treat is part of Wichita State’s Homecoming 2021 activities Oct. 23-30. Participating student organizations and groups are eligible for the Trunk Decorating Competition. First-place winners will receive $100 toward their student group, and top earners will earn points toward their division.

Trunk or Treat is sponsored by WSU’s Student Activities Council. For more information, contact 316-978-3022 or

Graphic on red background with grim reaper, Frankenstein, Jack-o'-lantern and ghost with text 'WSU Little Pumpkin Run 1K.'

Join us at 9 a.m. Oct. 23 at Wichita State University’s main campus for the 5k Pumpkin Run, followed by the 1K Little Pumpkin Run at 10:23 a.m.

Participants who register by Oct. 5 will save $5. All registered participants will receive a customized T-shirt and a finisher medal. .

MICHAEL TILFORD CONFERENCE ON DIVERSITY AND MULTICULTURALISM The Michael Tilford Conference October 18, 2021 in Lawrence Kansas provides an opportunity for faculty, staff, and administrators at the Kansas Board of Regents' institutions to approach diversity in higher education by examining the challenges and opportunities in Kansas. Still time to register!

The Michael Tilford Conference on Diversity and Multiculturalism will take place 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 18 at the Lawrence Campus in Lawrence, Kansas. The event provides an opportunity for faculty, staff and administrators at the Kansas Board of Regents’ institutions to approach diversity in higher education by examining the challenges and opportunities in Kansas. The 2021 event will include the following presenters:

  • Dr. Jody Fiorini, Wichita State University associate professor and Department Head, Counseling, Educational Leadership, Educational and School Psychology, will present “Women with Disabilities: Invisibility within a Sexist and Ableist Society.”
  • Dr. Marche Fleming-Randle, Wichita State University Military and Veterans Affairs vice president and chief diversity officer, will present “The Gumbo Analysis of Diversity and Equity and Inclusion.”
  • Dr. Kevin Harrison, community engagement coordinator for military and veterans affairs, will present  “A Name for the Pain.”
Artists' Talk. A Conversation with Terry Evans, Philip Heying, and A. Mary Kay. Ulrich Museum of Art. Tuesday, October 5th. 5:30 P.M. Reception, 6:00 P.M. Program. Free and open to all.

The Ulrich Museum invites you to a discussion with “Love in the Time of the Anthropocene” exhibition artists, photographers Terry Evans and Philip Heying, and painter A. Mary Kay at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 5 at the museum. There will be a reception at 5:30 p.m. This event is free and open to the public.

Evans, Heying and Kay will be joined by Ulrich curator Ksenya Gurshtein. The group will discuss their diverse approaches to understanding the complexity of the Flint Hills’ unique and dwindling ecosystem, as well as reflecting on their deep and enduring love for the prairie environments that surround them

Image that says Celebrate

Mark your calendar and join us 3:30 – 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 22 at Rhatigan Student Center Ballroom for a Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) update and celebration.

SEM has had a great year and wants to recognize its campus-wide efforts. Comments will begin at 4 p.m.