Picture of C. elegans roundworm.

Dr. Guy A. Caldwell, university distinguished research professor at the University of Alabama (UA), will present a public lecture, “Some Worm Saved My Life Tonight: Invertebrate-Driven Personalized Medicine,” at 3:30 p.m., today, March 2 at Hubbard Hall (Room 209).

Caldwell is visiting as part of the Watkins Visiting Professorship. The Watkins Visiting Professorship was created in 1974 by the Watkins Foundation. This grant is now provided through the Watkins fund, a part of the Wichita State University Foundation’s endowment.

His lab, The Worm Shack, studies C. elegans, a roundworm that lives in soil, and possesses genes that have functional counterparts in humans. Worms of this species are used as models for human disorders and illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease, kidney disease and congenital heart disease.

Service-Learning Wichita State University (image with round logo and arrow drawing attention to announcement which reads "2022 service-learning showcase. Submission open. Due April 1)

Faculty are invited to submit for the Service-Learning Showcase. The showcase is an open forum for students to interact with faculty, staff, community partners, and other students to engage in conversation about Wichita State’s commitment to the public good.

The showcase also provides a unique opportunity for students who participate in service-learning through applied learning opportunities to showcase their experience through a research or reflective poster about the application of their course work to current community issues. 

This year the showcase will be held in a digital format and judged by a team of community partner leaders. Awards will be presented in the following categories:

  • Outstanding Overall Service-Learning Project- $150 scholarship to winning entry
  • Innovation and Creativity in Problem Solving- $100 scholarship to winning entry
  • Community Impact/ Community Choice- $100 scholarship to winning entry
  • Collaboration and Leadership in Service-Learning- $100 scholarship to winning entry

Submissions are due on April 1. For more information and to submit, please visit the showcase website.

In celebration of Employee Appreciation during March, Wichita State’s West Campus will host come-and-go events for all Wichita State faculty and staff during business hours Feb. 28-March 4 at the staff lounge in Room 101. The location will offer light refreshments to all faculty and staff who stop by.

Edible Book Festival - April 1, 2022 at Ablah Library. No-cost registration and full event info available at libraries.wichita.edu/ediblebookfestival.

Students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in University Libraries’ annual Edible Book Festival which will take place 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Ablah Library. Registration is free of charge. Those who register are encouraged to create edible art based on their favorite literature for a chance to win prizes. 

The deadline to register is noon Thursday, March 31.

Monday Melodies. Live music in the RSC the last Monday of each month! February 28, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. RSC Starbucks Lounge, featuring Made From Scratch

Visit the Rhatigan Student Center (RSC) for their music series, Monday Melodies 11 a.m.-1 p.m. today, Feb. 28. On the last Monday of every month, the RSC hosts live music in the building. For this edition, enjoy Made From Scratch in Starbucks Lounge.

Wellness Week (SGA Logo) Monday, February 28-Thursday, March 3 For the Full List of Events, visit wichita.edu/sgawellnessweek .

Join the Student Government Association (SGA), SGA Health and the Wellness Advisory Board to celebrate Wellness Week Feb. 28-March 3. During the week, students can participate in exciting activities and learn about resources on campus. Students can visit the SGA Wellness Week 2022 website to learn each day’s theme during the week.

There will be an Educational Professionals Development Act (EPDA) Alumni reunion at 3 p.m. Tuesday, March 1 via Zoom. After fifty years, the alumni will reunite to talk about their experiences and how the EPDA enriched their lives.

Fifty years ago, the United States made one of the largest investments in education, the EPDA, which offered grants to institutions to provide accelerated master’s programs to educators. Wichita State was the recipient of one of the grants to provide an accelerated Master of Arts in history program for those who had completed a bachelor’s degree and were currently working in education.

Those accepted received free tuition and a stipend to cover living expenses. This gave the students an opportunity to devote themselves full-time to study without the need for employment. People from across the country competed for the 18 available slots in the program, bringing students from across the country together at Wichita State.

For more information and the Zoom link, contact Dr. Jay Price at jay.price@wichita.edu.

Self-Care Sunday at the very top of the image with a half yellow circle below and a girl meditating in the center of the half circle. Below the words "managing mid-terms" are in all capitals and in burgundy. A black line is placed underneath the title and below that is a black box that contains the words "Feb 27, 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m., Shocker Hall MPR." Below the event details it states "Let's focus on stress management and coping skills!

To help students manage their mid-terms, Wichita State’s CARE Team will host a stress management session 1-2:30 p.m. Feb. 27 at the Shocker Hall Multi-Purpose Room. The session will focus on stress management coping skills and will include a short guided meditation.

WSU’s CARE Team provides a proactive and supportive multidisciplinary team approach to prevention, assessment and intervention for situations that may interfere with students or employees functioning to their full potential. 

Image featuring black, green and red Africa layered and text 'African American Faculty and Staff Association, AAFSA.' WSU logo featured.

Are you a student, faculty, staff, or alumni person of color here at Wichita State looking to get involved but unsure where to start? Join the African American Faculty and Staff Association (AAFSA) for the next meeting 12:30-1:30 p.m. today, March 1 via Zoom.

Bi-monthly meetings allow AAFSA to keep up-to-date with current topics important to those the group represents. Participants are encouraged to share their voices and join the group as they strive to make a difference on-and-off campus.

HIIT Training, HR ranges & Targets Lifting clinic March 11 at 1 p.m. This month learn how to set a target HR for your Training goal. How long to train for and how long the recovery should be between sets and workouts. A discussion of Bioenergetics and muscle physiology. Join andy sykes, MEd, CSCS, FNS, CPT on facebook live as he discusses equipment use

The March edition of the Lifting Clinic will take place at 1 p.m. today, March 11 via Facebook Live. Join Andy Sykes and learn how to set a target heart rate for training goals, how long to train, and how long the recovery should be between sets and workouts. The event will also feature a discussion of bioenergetics and muscle physiology.