Join the Community Service Board for its largest one day volunteer event. Work with your fellow Shockers for a morning of volunteering throughout the community Oct. 7.

Individuals, groups, organizations, students, staff and faculty are all invited to attend. The kick-off will begin in 208 Hubbard Hall at 9 a.m., check-in is from 8:30 to 8:50 a.m., with a breakfast and kick-off celebration. Participants will then load the buses and be at a service site by 10 a.m. Volunteers will work until noon and return to Hubbard Hall for lunch and closing festivities. The event will end by 1:30 p.m.

Register to volunteer by Oct. 5. Space is limited.

Shockers Vote, Wichita State University, Student Government Association

The Shockers Vote Coalition is seeking students to join and help plan election initiatives and events. The coalition’s next meeting will be from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 13 in 216 Rhatigan Student Center.

Bring your lunch and stop by to learn about the ways you can help plan civic engagement initiatives on campus. The coalition’s meetings and activities are nonpartisan, and everyone is welcome to attend. For questions, email, Loren Belew at

Join WSU’s largest one-day volunteer event, Wu’s Big Event, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Oct. 7. This year’s event will bring together 300 of your fellow shockers for a morning of volunteering together. Registration includes breakfast, lunch, a T-shirt and transportation to and from volunteer event.

For more information about Wu’s Big Event or any other questions, email the Community Service Board at or call 316-978-7016.

Picture of a student filling a gallon sized bag of food at the Kansas Food  Bank Warehouse

Join the Community Service Board (CSB) volunteering at the Kansas Food Bank Warehouse from 10 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Friday, Sept. 1.

Volunteer work may include helping assemble food packs to support the Food for Kids program or work with other projects to support the mission of the Kansas Food Bank Warehouse. Students may sign up on VolunteerICT.

For more information about the event or to learn more about the CSB, email

Applications are now being accepted for the 2024 Alternative Spring Break trip in Boulder Creek, CA. The trip will be spent volunteering as camp counselors at Camp Campbell, Outdoor Science School.

The California Outdoor Science Association is sponsored by the California Department of Education. WSU volunteers will serve as camp counselors through the week and assist with the Outdoor School’s programming. Volunteers will receive a day long training on the first day of the trip, Monday. The camp takes place from Tuesday-Friday. Activities during the week may include but are not limited to attending field studies with students in the redwood forest, conducting river studies and daily nature hikes traveling around to various communities surrounding the camp. One evening campers will participate in a field study which includes a night walk, emphasizing the nocturnal animal life, nighttime sensory awareness, and astronomy. On Saturday, WSU volunteers will have a “tour day” to spend touring San Francisco and will spend the night in the city and depart the following Sunday to fly back to Wichita.

The cost of the trip is $200 per student. The cost includes transportation (airfare to/from, housing, meals, and excursions). The full payment of $200 must be received along with the application by Dec. 9, 2023. If you are not chosen to participate in the trip, you will be refunded the full amount. For more information about the trip, you may attend one of SEAL’s upcoming informational meetings held Sept. 12 and 26 in the SEAL office in 216 Rhatigan Student Center.

For more information email Loren Belew at or call 316-978-7016.

Community Service Board, General Meetings take place on Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. in Room 142 of the RSC. Students may register at Please attend meetings to learn more.

Join the Community Service Board for its weekly meetings to learn more about volunteering, tour local nonprofits, participate in community service projects and have fun. Meetings are held at 3:30 p.m. every Thursday in 142 Rhatigan Student Center.

Graphic with the Midwest states in a circle and the text, "Midwest Student Voting Summit. Every year | Every campus | Every vote. Join us virtually March 24, 2023."

Join the Shockers Vote Coalition for the second Midwest Student Voting Summit. The summit will be held virtually from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, March 24. It will be an opportunity to come together with fellow students, staff, faculty, administrators and non-partisan campus partners to strategize on getting out the youth vote.

All WSU students, faculty and staff are welcome to participate. The conference is virtual, and attendees may join on their own or they can participate with fellow Shockers from the Shockers Vote Coalition in 240 Rhatigan Student Center. Following the conference, there will be time to debrief and talk about next steps for the Shockers Vote initiative and about ways to get involved. Lunch will be provided.

The summit is in partnership with the Campus Vote Project, All In to Vote and Students Learn Students Vote. To sign-up or learn more, email Loren Belew, civic engagement coordinator with Student Engagement, Advocacy & Leadership, at or call 316-978-7016.

Picture of Arkansas River with VolunteerICT logo in the middle of the page.

Choose from hundreds of volunteer opportunities using VolunteerICT. The platform connects Wichita State’s students, faculty and staff to volunteer work throughout Wichita based on specific agencies, location, interest and more.

To get started, log in to myWSU, go to the “Home” tab, and under the “Campus Involvement” section, select “Log in to VolunteerICT.” Create a profile, find volunteer opportunities and begin volunteering.

Volunteers can track their activities, and VolunteerICT will add the hours to a volunteer resume that volunteers can access anytime.

For questions, email or call 316-978-7016.

Join the Community Service Board in volunteering at the United Way Give Items of Value (GIV) Warehouse. United Way’s GIV Program accepts donated items from companies and offers them at no charge to nonprofits throughout the state.

Volunteers will meet at the GIV Warehouse to sort and organize items so that they may be given to local nonprofits. The spring 2023 dates and times are 2:30-4:30 p.m. March 31, April 21.

For questions, email or call 316-978-7016.

Join the Community Service Board in serving a meal at the Lord’s Diner. The Lord’s Diner provides free meals to the community 365 days a year.

Volunteer duties may include serving food, bussing dishes, refilling drinks, dining hall clean-up and washing dishes.

The spring 2023 volunteer dates and times are 5-8 p.m. Feb. 8, March 8 and April 12.

For questions, email or call 316-978-7016.