We need your help! Volunteers needed for commencement on Sunday, December 18, 2022 from 12:30-4:30pm. For more details and to sign-up visit wichita.edu/volunteerforcommencement

Volunteers are needed to help with the Fall 2022 Commencement ceremony for all colleges, being held Dec. 18.

All volunteers should plan to be at Charles Koch Arena from 12:30-4:30 p.m. Volunteers will be fed well and enjoy a great time with a fun group of people as you welcome guests and graduates to this event. Check with student organizations you are a member of or your department to see if there are even more benefits to your participation.

Wichita State’s Department of Physical Therapy is looking for participants between the ages of 40 and 60 for a research study comparing balance differences among middle-aged adults.

Testing is one time only at either Ahlberg Hall or WSU Old Town and should not take more than 15 minutes. Please use the link below to fill out the Qualtrics survey to determine your eligibility for participation. This study has been approved by the IRB, number 5218.

Pumpkin Run 2022 Requesting Volunteers October 22 8 am to 11 am

Volunteers are requested for Pumpkin Run 2022 8 a.m.-11 a.m. Oct. 22 at the main Wichita State campus.

Jobs available

  • Water station
  • Cheer squad
  • Corse directions
  • Finish line
  • Results table
  • Pumpkin face painting

To volunteer, sign up at the link below.

ICT Brush UP Shocker Neighborhood 2022 Wichita State University Office of Engagement

Join us for our first-ever Brush-Up! event for the Shocker Neighborhood from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Oct. 22.

Work alongside neighbors, community members, businesses and fellow Shockers to help each other beautify the area. We will help bag trimmings from trees, cut overgrown lawns, pick up trash, and paint over graffiti.

Volunteer check-in will be at the corner of 9th Street and Grove at the Urban League of Wichita and at Bridges near 21st and Grove.

This project is a collaboration among the Wichita State Office of Engagement, Wichita District 1– Atwater Resource Center, Wichita State University Community Service Board, Neighborhood Associations, WPD, SNC, and the City of Wichita.

There will be a barbecue picnic after the event.

Call for volunteers for the Wallace Invitational for Scholarships in Engineering taking place on Friday, November 18.

The College of Engineering is seeking faculty and staff from across the university to serve as group activity judges for the college’s annual Wallace Invitational for Scholarships in Engineering (WISE).

Two-person judging teams will observe and score a small group of four or five competitors. Students are judged on teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills — not on their knowledge of engineering concepts. Therefore, judges do not need to have a background in engineering or computing.

The activities will be from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Friday, Nov. 18 in the Harvest Room (142) of the RSC.

If you are interested in judging, please sign up by Nov. 4 at www.wichita.edu/wisevolunteer. For questions, contact Jason Bosch at jason.bosch@wichita.edu.

As October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Sigma Psi Zeta is hosting a drive for ICT SOS from Oct. 19-26. ICT SOS is a Wichita-based organization that seeks to end human trafficking through prevention and awareness education, advocacy for survivors, and acting as a bridge between direct service professionals and community members who desire to help.

As a community, one of the simplest things we can do is to organize and provide those resources so that they are on hand and easily accessible in a moment of crisis. Items must to be new, as survivors deserve a fresh new start. Donations can be dropped off at the SEAL Office (RSC 216).

As you are helping Sigma Psi Zeta contribute to our philanthropy of combating violence against womxn, we would like to offer the same to you. We will be donating $100 to the philanthropy or chosen charity of the organization that donates the most to our drive.

For any questions, contact Merry Phan at syz.grin@gmail.com.

Are you interested in judging Songfest 2022? The Office of Student Engagement, Advocacy & Leadership is requesting five to seven staff, faculty, alumni and campus partners to serve as judges for the show at 5 p.m. Nov. 6.

Songfest is an annual dance and lip sync competition that rounds out Shocktoberfest Oct. 20-29. During the event, teams practice will perform with choreography, music selections and costumes.

For more information or to volunteer, please contact Sealevents@wichita.edu.

Wichita State will host its tenth annual Expanding Your Horizons STEM workshop for middle school girls 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22 at Hubbard Hall. Volunteers are needed to assist with workshops, photography and will receive a free T-shirt and lunch.

For more information, visit the Expanding Your Horizons page or contact moriah.beck@wichita.edu.

Campus Activities and Recreation is requesting donations of the following items for its upcoming Fright Night event:

  • Large boxes
  • Clear gallon milk or juice jugs
  • Old curtains
  • Dolls
  • Plastic pumpkins
  • Skulls
  • Other Halloween-themed items

Donations can be dropped off at 129 Heskett Center.

Group picture with Wu in the middle of four Wu Reads volunteers.

Wu Reads is requesting volunteers to read children’s books aloud virtually to Gordon Parks Elementary School students on Friday afternoons. Volunteers will also ask the students questions about the books to help them better understand the story.

To participate, volunteers are asked to commit to 20 minutes from 2:40 to 3 p.m. on Friday afternoons for a year.

Wu Crew Read is part of an effort to help USD 259 reach its long-term strategic goal of increasing third-grade reading proficiency, which aligns with Wichita State’s mission to becoming an educational driver for Kansas and the greater public good.