The Department of Physical Therapy is conducting a research study to assess the fatigue experienced by people 18 years and older who have cardiovascular disease. The Fatigue Assessment Scale, the World Health Organization Quality of Life Brief and a short survey collecting demographic information will be combined into a single survey that will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

If someone you know is interested in participating and feel that they meet the criteria listed, have them complete the survey below.

Inclusion criteria:

  • 18 years or older
  • Diagnosis of stroke, heart attack, valvular heart disease, arterial disease, heart failure, aneurysm, venous disease, cardiomyopathy, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis or any other heart disease

Exclusion criteria:

  • Cognitive disorders/neurological conditions that may prevent a participant from reading, understanding and/or signing a consent form or filling out the given survey independently
  • Any comorbidity that affects the energy levels of an individual such as but not limited to, a current diagnosis of cancer, certain autoimmune disorders, kidney or liver disease, and anemia
  • Those that have a caretaker or live in an assisted living facility where they are given assistance for activities of daily living

Contact the head researcher, Dr. Elizabeth Tew, at or student researcher, Kirk Reisner, at with any questions regarding the study.

President Rick Muma speaks with the other speakers at the 2023 Fall Address

Wichita State asks employees to take a brief survey about the 2023 Fall Address from Aug. 16. The survey will be open to responses until 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 31.

Graphic with the text, "Wichita State Athletics Fan Experience Survey" and the WuShock logo.

The 2022-23 athletic year has concluded, and Shocker Athletics is seeking feedback to improve its fan experience at all ticketed athletic events including volleyball, men’s and women’s basketball, baseball and softball.

Survey participants will be entered into drawings for various prizes including free tickets, unique experiences, Shocker apparel, and home decor.

Graphic with various food items and the text "How can the Shocker Support Locker support you?"

The Shocker Support Locker is looking for feedback from students, faculty and staff to help improve and grow the support locker.

A survey of Wichita State student, faculty and staff transportation rates is being conducted to estimate their carbon footprint.

This is in continuation of a previous study done in 2019 which found approximately 53,000 metric tons of CO2 were generated.

Responses are greatly appreciated. Any questions can be directed to Dr. Ikram Ahmen, associate professor of Mechanical Engineering, at

A survey of Wichita State student, faculty and staff transportation rates is being conducted to estimate their carbon footprint.

This is in continuation of a previous study done in 2019 which found approximately 53,000 metric tons of CO2 were generated.

Responses are greatly appreciated. Any questions can be directed to Dr. Ikram Ahmen, associate professor of Mechanical Engineering, at

Student Conduct & Community Standards (SCCS) is trying to gauge satisfaction and evaluate the services offered by its office in the resolution of academic integrity cases by gathering feedback from people who may have referred academic integrity cases to the SCCS office.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous and confidential. The responses will be reviewed by SCCS staff to strengthen the academic integrity process. Group results from this survey may be shared with the faculty senate executive board or deans of colleges to further assist with education on the academic integrity process.

Faculty members at Wichita State can complete the survey here regardless of their previous interaction with the academic integrity process. The survey will close on May 1.

If there are any questions, please reach out to Student Conduct & Community Standards at

Student Conduct & Community Standards (SCCS) is trying to gauge satisfaction and evaluate the services offered by its office in the resolution of academic integrity cases by gathering feedback from people who may have referred academic integrity cases to the SCCS office.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous and confidential. The responses will be reviewed by SCCS staff to strengthen the academic integrity process. Group results from this survey may be shared with the faculty senate executive board or deans of colleges to further assist with education on the academic integrity process.

Faculty members at Wichita State can complete the survey here regardless of their previous interaction with the academic integrity process. The survey will close on May 1.

If there are any questions, please reach out to Student Conduct & Community Standards at

A group of students in the Spanish in the U.S. class are looking for fellow students to complete a survey focusing on the experiences of bi- and multilingual-students in interpretation.

Participants will be entered into a raffle to win a $25 Starbucks gift card.

Students who speak any language, in addition to English, are encouraged to participate. Survey responses will be anonymous and used for class research project.

This survey will only take approximately 10 minutes. Participants must be 18 years or older.

Last spring, the UPS-USS Council of the Kansas Board of Regents worked together to conduct a survey on their campuses with support from their administrative leaders. This council represents both Unclassified Professional and University Support Staffs at the six Regents universities — Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Kansas State University, Pittsburg State University, University of Kansas and Wichita State University. The survey focused on topics related to employee satisfaction.

The poll was conducted online during the month of April by the Docking Institute and was emailed to 9,190 total Unclassified Professional and Support Staff employees at the six participating campuses across Kansas. In all, the Docking Institute received 4,053 completed surveys, providing a response rate of 44.1%. At Wichita State University, surveys were emailed to 1,652 UPS and USS employees.

The Docking Institute received 619 completed surveys, resulting in a response rate at WSU of 37.5%.
On behalf of the Wichita State University Staff Senate, I am pleased to share the final survey results with you.

First, we want to extend a special thanks to President Rick Muma for agreeing to fund the survey for Wichita State University employees. The results of the poll are available in three separate reports.

One “Combined” UPS and USS Report:

  • A report that combines the results of both WSU UPS and USS staff together and compares them to the cumulative statewide six KBOR schools’ UPS and USS staffs combined results. On the website, this report is labeled “Combined UPS and USS Results.”

One WSU UPS Report:

  • A report that breaks down the WSU UPS staff results and compares them to the combined UPS staff results at the six statewide KBOR schools. On the website, this report is labeled “UPS Staff Results.”

One WSU USS Report:

  • A report that breaks down the WSU USS staff results and compares them to the combined USS staff results at the six statewide KBOR schools. On the website, this report is labeled “USS Staff Results.”

The reports will be available beginning at 10 a.m. today (Tuesday, Nov. 1). Go here to see the results at that time.

The results of the Docking Institute survey will be presented to KBOR at its December meeting.

Here are a few of the key findings that stood out:

  • Regarding morale, 63.9% of respondents answered that morale was either “Extremely Positive” or “Somewhat Positive.”
  • A larger percentage of WSU respondents than the other university respondents reported that their work is “greatly appreciated” by immediate supervisors, co-workers, department heads, customers/colleagues, and administration.
  • When asked reasons for job satisfaction, 87.9% of WSU respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, “I enjoy the things I do at work.”
  • Key themes in the open-ended comments included (1) Pay is too low; (2) Allow a flexible schedule; (3) Improve/expand tuition assistance benefits.

As we move forward, our WSU Staff Senate, along with WSU administration, will look closely at the results of the survey to determine what initiatives we can develop on our campus to act on the issues and topics brought forth in the responses.

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, email Staff Senate President Denise Gimlin at The senate will keep staff informed through senate updates as they work on developing plans for improvement.