Photo collage of travel destinations around the world

Tired of studying for finals and counting the days until summer? Answer a few questions in the Cultural Ambassador Program (CAP) travel quiz to find where to go on vacation next. The quiz will select the ideal travel destination from a great range of vacation spots.

To help students on their next adventure, CAP also created a travel guide that contains essential information about the many amazing worldwide destinations available based on the results from the quiz.

Photo of foreign architecture with the text, "Thinking of studying abroad? Attend our last in-person information session of the semester! Friday, April 28th @ 2 p.m. RSC Room 264." and the Study Abroad logo.

Interested in studying abroad? The first step would be to attend one of the study abroad information sessions or watch an info session video. 

The last study abroad information session of the spring semester will be at 2 p.m. Friday, April 28 in 264 Rhatigan Student Center, Spencer Room. Prior registration is required to attend the session.

Study Abroad Student Spotlight Tais Solis Major: International Studies & Spanish Fall 2022 Gilman Scholarship recipient; University of Deusto Bilbao, Spain

Learn more about Tais Solis and her study abroad experience in Spain at the University of Deusto during the fall 2022 semester. Tais shares how she has benefited from her study abroad program.

Wichita State students can attend on-campus university fine arts and athletics events at no additional charge with a Shocker ID, thanks to the Student Government Association.

Support your fellow classmates and faculty while exploring some of the creative pursuits WSU has to offer and display your Shocker pride at home athletic games.

Graphic with a photo of the McNair Scholars and the text, "Trio McNair accepting applications | Serving undergraduate students interested in graduate studies. Apply now | Contact us 316-978-3139."

The McNair Scholars program is accepting applications for 2023-24 academic year. The deadline to submit an application is Friday, March 31. McNair assists students who are underrepresented in higher education prepare for graduate study.

A few of the benefits and services students can receive with McNair are graduate school preparation, faculty mentorship, research experience, application fee waivers, spring semester campus visits, Individualized counseling and personal support for graduate school preparation, and participation is available to students at no charge, as the program is entirely federally funded.

Call 316-978-3139 or email to receive more information.

Graphic with a photo of the McNair Scholars and the text, "Trio McNair accepting applications | Serving undergraduate students interested in graduate studies. Apply now | Contact us 316-978-3139."

The McNair Scholars program is accepting applications for 2023-24 academic year. The deadline to submit an application is Friday, March 31. McNair assists students who are underrepresented in higher education prepare for graduate study.

A few of the benefits and services students can receive with McNair are graduate school preparation, faculty mentorship, research experience, application fee waivers, spring semester campus visits, Individualized counseling and personal support for graduate school preparation, and participation is available to students at no charge, as the program is entirely federally funded.

Call 316-978-3139 or email to receive more information.

Graphic image with wheat kernels and text Student Success tips

As enrollment approaches, you should consider how to complete 30 credit hours in one academic year. By enrolling in a combination of fall, spring and summer classes, you can remain on track with your degree programs and potentially shorten the time it takes to earn your degree. Some studies show that completing 30 hours each academic year increases academic performance and decreases student debt.

Speak with your academic advisor to develop an academic plan or run a degree audit in Degree Works.

The Shocker Support Locker has developed a recipe book designed for college students. The book has a range of recipes with resources available from oven to no bake recipes.

It was made by Shocker Support Locker staff Bethany Hollingsworth and Emma Glover to serve the needs of Shockers and offer a collection of recipes, instructions and information. Feed Shockers, fight hunger.

The Shocker Support Locker has developed a recipe book designed for college students. The book has a range of recipes with resources available from oven to no bake recipes.

It was made by Shocker Support Locker staff Bethany Hollingsworth and Emma Glover to serve the needs of Shockers and offer a collection of recipes, instructions and information. Feed Shockers, fight hunger.

Graphic image with wheat kernels and text Student Success tips

This time of the semester often brings increased stress and sickness. Luckily, Student Health Services, Counseling and Prevention Services, and Campus Recreation offer many opportunities for you to relax and create or maintain a balanced lifestyle. The following are resources to help you develop balance: