Photo of a man riding a bike and the San Francisco Bridge. Text: Join your fellow shockers for an Alternative Spring Break trip in 2025 in Chicago, Illinois! Informational meetings about the Alternative Spring Break trip will be held on September 18th, 27 and October 10th, 23rd and on November 6th. Meetings are held from 12:00-1:00 p.m. in RSC 245. Student Engagement and Belonging; Web:, Email:, Phone 316-978-3022, Your Home Away From Home. Follow us on social media @wichitastateSEB. Location: Rhatigan Student Center, Suite 216.

Applications are still being accepted for the 2025 Alternative Spring Break from March 16-21 in Chicago, Illinois. Alternative Spring Breaks give students an opportunity to gain experience about the unique needs of an area and travel that that location to volunteer for a week.

This year we will travel to Chicago to volunteer with organizations that serve causes related to youth, education, poverty and homelessness. The trip cost is $175 per person and includes transportation, lodging and food. Applications are due by 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 22.

Applications for the trip may be dropped off in the Student Engagement & Belonging office in 216 Rhatigan Student Center or emailed to For questions, email or call 316-978-7016. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to apply.

Pee for Pizza Thursday, November 21st. Free Pizza, Prevent the spread of STIs, go to the myShockerhealth portal to schedule an appointment. Decorative pizza slice images and sponsor logs of Student Health, Positive Directions, and Shocker Sport Grill and Lanes

Student Health Services (SHS) is hosting its next Pee for Pizza event from noon to 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 21 at the Student Wellness Center in the Steve Clark YMCA. Sign-up for a spot now via the myShockerhealth portal or by calling 316-978-4792.

Pee for Pizza promotes sexual health awareness, supports students’ health, and prevents the spread of STIs. Get free pizza when you get free testing for HIV, Hepatitis C, Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia by giving a urine sample. Pizza is provided to all participants.

Cosponsored by Positive Direction and Shocker Sports Grill and Lanes, Pee for Pizza is by reservation only. Participants must not use the restroom at least one hour before testing. For more information, contact SHS at 316-978-4792. Other testing is available upon request.

F1RST GEN(yellow) FINANCES (white). FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH. FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOP. (yellow) 11AM-12:30PM. RSC 261. (white)  Bottom left corner: white, WSU/office of financial aid & scholarships logo. Bottom right corner: (white) Image: WSU student wearing F1RSTGEN Finances T-shirst holding up WSU shocker finger symbol

National First-Generation Day is just around the corner and join Shocker Financial Wellness and the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships in their “First-Gen Finances” workshop from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 8 in 261 Rhatigan Student Center, Olive Room.

Study Abroad Information Session; Come explore your study abroad options by attending our last information session of the semester!  When & Where: Friday November 15th at 2 p.m. in RSC 356 Edmiston Room

Are you interested in studying abroad? The Study Abroad office will have its last in-person study abroad information session of the semester Nov. 15.

The first step to study abroad would be to attend one of the information sessions or watch an info session video. The last study abroad information session of the fall semester will be at 2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 15 in 256 Rhatigan Student Center, Edmiston Room.

The National Student Exchange is a national program that connects students to campuses in the United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Students who are accepted in the program are matched with a campus and get to pay WSU tuition while studying at their paired campus.

Interested in studying at another university while paying Wichita State tuition? Find out more about National Student Exchange and the opportunities it could lead you to by attending an info session at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20 in 258 Rhatigan Student Center, Smoky Hills Room.

The National Student Exchange Program is coordinated by Student Engagement & Belonging. For questions on this program, call 316-978-3022 or email

Are you interested in studying abroad in summer 2025? Study Abroad is offering the London Travel Seminar in May 2025 as a faculty-led program open to all undergraduate and graduate students. To learn more, attend an information session at 1 p.m. Oct. 18 in 500 Lindquist Hall.

Scholarships are available to help cover part of the program cost for students with high financial need.

For more information, visit or contact Study Abroad at

Study Abroad Information Session on Friday, November 15th at 2 p.m. in the RSC 256 Edmiston Room

Interested in studying abroad? Your first step is to attend one of our information sessions. The final study abroad information session of the fall semester will be Friday, Nov. 15 at 2 p.m. For a full list of sessions, video options, or to register, visit our website.

Summer 2025 Travel Seminar Study Abroad Scholarships up to $3,500; Exclusively for Paraguay Honors Service-Learning Travel Seminar, London Travel Seminar and Social Work Travel Seminar; Application Deadline is November 10th, 2024

Students can now begin planning for summer 2025 study-abroad programs, including travel seminars. Scholarships of up to $3,500 are available, based on financial need. For the Paraguay travel seminar, students may receive funding that covers nearly the entire cost, including flight, program fees and tuition. Visit our website for detailed information on all travel seminars and instructions on how to apply for scholarships. For questions, contact

Happy Halloween! Come see us and get freebies while learning about studying abroad! Thursday, October 31st from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in RSC 1st floor

Stop by the study-abroad table in the RSC from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 31 for candy, freebies, and information on the opportunities available to Wichita State students. 

The Office of Student Accommodations and Testing (OSAT) will be offering a new resource called Kurzweil 3000 ( for all students this fall semester. Join OSAT from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Friday, Sept. 27 for a virtual presentation on how Kurzweil 3000 can help increase your success.

Kurzweil 3000 is an assistive technology and learning literacy tool recommended for students who have difficulties reading (ESL, dyslexia, etc.). It is designed to help students learn course materials in school. With functions such as text-to-speech, highlighting and integrated notetaking and brainstorming, the assistive technology enables students with learning difficulties to fully engage in what they are learning and to focus on the tasks at hand.