Have a student looking for a first-year seminar that’s anything but ordinary? FYPH 102G Connecting Generations offers a unique, intergenerational experience where students build meaningful connections with older adults at Larksfield Senior Living.

Students can dive into their life stories, learn from their wisdom and create unforgettable memories; a chance to make a difference, grow personally and have fun along the way.

Students can register for FYPH 102G Connecting Generations with CRN: 23951.

Getting Started with Library Resources February 7 @ 12pm  February 11 @ 3pm

Nudge your students to take a tour of Ablah Library at noon Feb. 7 or at 3 p.m. Feb. 11.

Students will explore library spaces like the 24-Hour Study Area, VR Zone, Tech Hub and collaborative work areas, then attend an insightful session on navigating the library homepage to access online articles, research sources, streaming content and interlibrary loan services.

Spread the word to your students about this opportunity to explore the library. Faculty and staff are also welcome. 

Graduate Orientation, Choose When You Attend: January 10th 10-noon in the Rhatigan Student Center Ballroom January 14th 9am-11am in the Rhatigan Student Center Ballroom—on this date join us for a special peer-to-peer session of Grad Life 101 from 11am-noon in the Ablah Library January 16th 1pm-3pm in the Rhatigan Student Center Santa Fe Room For more information please see Wichita.edu/gradorientation

This is a reminder that Graduate School orientation will be held for new graduate students on three upcoming dates:

  • 10 a.m.-noon Friday, Jan. 10 in 305/306 Rhatigan Student Center, Beggs Ballroom
  • 9-11 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 14 in 305/306 Rhatigan Student Center, Beggs Ballroom
  • 1-3 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 16 in 233 Rhatigan Student Center, Santa Fe Room
Tech Help Desk for Students

Information Technology Services (ITS) has a Tech Help Desk located in Shocker Success Center (SSC) for current Wichita State students.

The SSC Tech Help Desk is available to support students on personal devices. In addition to general Help Desk support, services will include:

  • Hardware diagnostics
  • University owned software installations and troubleshooting
  • Providing loaner Chromebooks
  • Limited malware removal

The SSC Tech Help Desk is located on the third floor of the Shocker Success Center, Room 320.

Contact information:

Technology Help Desk:

316-978-4357, option 1 | helpdesk@wichita.edu

Help Desk phone hours:

  • Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
  • Saturday: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
  • Sunday: Closed

Help Desk office hours:

Shocker Success Center, Room 320

  • Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. – Student issues

Book time with Tech Help Shocker Success Center

Shocker Store. Online Textbook Buyback. Sell your books, ship for free, get CASH! Visit shockerstore.com, select "Course Materials" and click "Online Textbook Buyback"

Want to earn some cash for textbooks you no longer need? Participate in the Online Textbook Buyback program. You can sell your books, ship them for free and get cash. For questions, email shockerstore@wichita.edu.

Visit the Shocker Financial Wellness “Coffee Chat” workshop anytime from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4 in Woolsey Hall or Thursday, Dec. 5 near the Rhatigan Student Center Starbucks Lounge. The team will share information on financial wellness, and students who stop by can also receive a $5 coupon for coffee (first-come, first-serve).

Unused/Expired Medication Take Back Everyday at Student Health Services Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm Student Wellness Center. Decorative Image of medication. Student Health contact phone number 316-978-4792.

You can bring any unused or expired medication for safe disposal from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday to Student Health Services in the Student Wellness Center at the Steve Clark YMCA. You can also pickup medication disposal bags to take with you for free at the Student Wellness Center.

Pee for Pizza Wednesday, December 4th. Free Pizza, Prevent the spread of STIs, go to the myShockerhealth portal to schedule an appointment. Decorative pizza slice images and sponsor logs of Student Health, Positive Directions, and Shocker Sport Grill and Lanes

Student Health Services (SHS) is hosting the next Pee for Pizza event from noon to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4 at the Student Wellness Center in the Steve Clark YMCA. Sign-up for a spot now via the myShockerhealth portal or by calling 316-978-4792. Pee for Pizza promotes sexual health awareness, supports students’ health, and prevents the spread of STIs. Get free pizza when you get free testing for HIV, Hepatitis C, Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia by giving a urine sample. Pizza is provided to all participants.

Co-sponsored by Positive Direction and Shocker Sports Grill and Lanes, Pee for Pizza is by reservation only. Participants must not use the restroom at least one hour before testing. For more information, contact SHS at 316-978-4792. Other testing is available upon request.

Shocker Book Swap. Buy and sell textbooks, student to student, at shockerstore.com. shockerstore.com account required to list/purchase.

Do you have textbooks that you don’t need anymore? Are you looking for an inexpensive option for next semester’s books? Check out the Shocker Book Swap, a student-to-student way to buy and sell textbooks.

Check it out on the Shocker Store and buy others’ textbooks or list your own.

Visit a workshop on information regarding scholarships anytime from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20 in 142 Rhatigan Student Center, Harvest Room.

Shocker Financial Wellness will be sharing information on Scholarship Universe as well as discussing application strategies and tips on what to include, or avoid, in your applications.

You can bring your computer for an opportunity to work with staff on completing your applications.