Wichita State University Opera Theater presents the Kansas premiere of “The Scarlet Letter” by Lori Laitman at 7:30 p.m. April 8-9 at the Duerksen Fine Arts Center.

Based on the great Nathaniel Hawthorne novel, the important new work follows the shame and pride of Hester Prynne, her condemnation by the Puritan community, and her forbidden love with the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. The fully staged performance is directed by Opera Theater Director Alan Held. The performances will be conducted by Dr. Mark Laycock with the WSU Symphony Orchestra.

Tickets are available at the College of Fine Arts Box Office or by calling 316-978-3233. WSU students receive one free tickets with their Shocker ID. Other discounts apply.

WEDNESDAYS IN WIEDEMANN 21-22 Rie Bloomfield Organ Series Marcussen organ in Wiedemann Hall 2021-2022 season [on left: Picture of Lynne Davis]. WSU logo in middle. Wednesdays in Wiedemann With Lynne Davis April 6, 2022 5:15pm Free Admission Most concerts will be live-streamed on the WSU School of Music Facebook page. Wednesdays in Wiedemann will also be recorded for our YouTube channel. For information on WSU’s degrees and certificate in organ, email lynne.davis@wichita.edu or visit wichita.edu/organ

The last organ recital of the 2021-22 season of the Wednesdays in Wiedemann series will be performed by Lynne Davis at 5:15 p.m. April 6 at Wiedemann Hall or via livestream on Wichita State’s School of Music Facebook page. The half-hour program will include works by César Franck (1822-2022) the 200th anniversary of whose birth is being celebrated this year. This event is free and open to the public.

Free event. [Re]Current Unrest - A Social Justice Film Screening; 3-21-22 @ 12pm in the RSC Santa Fe room. Sponsored by ODI & SPA

“(Re)Current Unrest” will take place at the noon-1:30 p.m. Monday, March 21 at the Rhatigan Student Center Sante Fe Room. “(Re)Current Unrest” is a social justice dance theatre film screening and artist talk. This event is presented in collaboration with and is free and open to the public.

Created by Charles Anderson, “(Re)Current Unrest” explores the kinesthetic state of unrest—the condition of unease, discontent and social disturbance. This physical state of agitation represents staying woke. To stay woke refers to an intangible level of awareness about community issues and social justice.

Due to COVID-19, the live immersive performance engagement has been reimagined by Anderson in the form of a digital iteration of “(Re)Current Unrest” featuring live and pre-recorded video footage.

The School of Music’s Faculty Artist Series welcomes celebrate American pianist Dr. Julie Bees who will perform at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 27 at Wiedemann Hall. The concert will feature works by Bach, Chopin and Schubert.

Bees is a professor of piano and director of the Konrad Wolff-Ilse Bing Chamber Music Endowment Award at Wichita State. She is also a founding member of The Orfeo Trio, a traveling piano trio that has most recently given recitals and masterclasses across Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.

During her career, Bees has given countless performances as a soloist and collaborative pianist. Her most recent appearances include performing as a concerto soloist with the SAR Philharmonic in Hong Kong and with the WSU Symphony Orchestra during their tour of Spain.

A dancer is featured in the picture. Wichita Contemporary Dance Theatre Spring Concert Feb 24-26, 2022 at 7 P.M. Wilner Auditorium.

Wichita State’s School of Performing Arts will host the Wichita Contemporary Dance Theatre spring Concert 2022 beginning at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 24-26 at Wilner Auditorium. 

The event will be a repertory dance concert featuring the faculty works of Denise Celestin, Cheyla Clawson Chandler, Nick Johnson, Sabrina Vasquez and other guest artists.

Tickets are free to WSU students who present their ID, $10 for other students, $18 for faculty, staff, military, and senior citizens. For more information or to get tickets, contact 316-978-3233 or visit the online WSU College of Fine Arts Box Office. 

Picture of I-Cheng Kathryn Ensey, Anne Yap I-Shyuen, Ethan Manlove, Madison Roths, Tyler Tuncy. Clem Pearson, and Dr. Nathaniel Parker

Six student soloists will combine with Wichita State’s Symphony Orchestra for the annual Concerto-Aria Concert at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22 at Miller Concert Hall. The program includes music by Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Richard Strauss, Kabalevsky, Donizetti, Gounod, Eric Ewazen, and Frank Martin. Director of orchestras Mark Laycock will lead the performance.

Chosen by competitive auditions, the soloists include I-Cheng Che, marimba; Kathryn Ensey, flute; Anne Yap I-Shyuen, piano; Ethan Manlove, tenor; Madison Roths, soprano; and Tyler Tuncy, horn. Graduate student conductor Clem Pearson and guest conductor Dr. Nathaniel Parker from Kennesaw State University will also appear.

WSU students with ID will be admitted free. Tickets are $12 with discounts available. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact the WSU Fine Arts Box Office at 316-978-3233 or visit the Fine Arts Box Office website.

Picture of five performers on stage during Open Scenes.

Wichita State’s Opera Theater, under the direction of Alan Held, College of Fine Arts director of opera studies, will present its annual Opera Scenes program at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 11 and at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 13 at Wiedemann Hall. This annual, one-hour program features WSU students in various scenes from the operatic canon. Selections will be heard from “Lucia di Lammermoor,” “La Boheme,” “Das Rheingold,” “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” “Don Carlo,” “Le Nozze di Figaro,” “Carmen,” “Der Rosenkavalier,” “Susannah” and “Orpheus in the Underworld.”

For tickets or discounted tickets, contact the WSU College of Fine Arts Box Office at at 316-978-3233 or visit the online tick office.

Rie Bloomfield Organ Series Marcussen Organ in Wiedemann Hall 2021-2022 season. picture L. Davis WSU logo WEDNESDAYS IN WIEDEMANN WITH LYNNE DAVIS MARCH 2, 2022 5:15 PM FREE ADMISSION. Most concerts will be live-streamed on the WSU School of Music Facebook page. Wednesdays in Wiedemann will also be recorded for our YouTube channel. For information on WSU's degrees and certificate in organ, email Lynne.Davis@wichita.edu or visit Wichita.Edu/organ

Lynne Davis, who suffered a hand injury in October 2021, will perform again on the Marcussen organ at 5:15 p.m. today, March 2 at Wiedemann Hall. The event is free and open to the campus community with live-streaming also available on the Wichita State School of Music Facebook page.

Two members of the madrigal singers perform in a past candlelight concert.

Wichita State Choral Activities will host its last Candlelight Concert at 7:30 p.m. tonight, Nov. 30 at Wiedemann Hall. The event features traditional sounds of the holiday season and audience sing-a-longs presented by the Concert Chorale, Madrigal Singers, Shocker Choir and Wu Choir. 

The Nov. 30 concert will also air on the Smoky Hills PBS at 5 p.m. Dec. 25. Streaming access to the performance will also be available on the Smoky Hills PBS YouTube channel beginning Dec. 25.

The Wichita State University Symphony Orchestra invites the campus community to sing portions of George Frideric Handel’s “Messiah” at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 19 at Wiedemann Hall. The concert will be led by Dr. Mark Laycock, College of Fine Arts director of Orchestra and Strings.

An annual tradition in many communities, the “Messiah” sing-along will focus on the Christmas portion of Handel’s beloved oratorio. Concert-goers are encouraged to sit in their vocal section—soprano, alto, tenor or bass—and join in singing choruses such as  “And the Glory of the Lord,” “For unto Us a Child Is Born,” “Glory to God” and “Hallelujah.”

The concert will also feature Dr. Dean Roush, College of Fine Arts director of Musicology-Composition, accompanying the songs on the Marcussen organ. Seven student-soloists, all majoring in voice, will perform arias and recitatives.

Audience members are encouraged to bring copies of vocal scores; however, music for the choruses will be provided. Attendees also have the option of enjoying the concert as observers. Masks are required.

Tickets are $12 for general admission with discounts available and may be purchased at Fine Arts Box Office by contacting 316-978-3233 or by visiting the WSU College of Fine Arts Box Office website. For more, contact 316- 978-6202 or mark.laycock@wichita.edu.