Orange background with text: Tuesday Talks with Student Health Services, Tuesday July 13, New Healthy Shockers: What Parents Need to Know with Dr. Chris Leonard, Camille Childers, Caitlyn Nolen, and Michelle Barger

For this week’s Tuesday Talks, join Nurse Heather Stafford, Student Health Services associate director; Camille Childers, SHS director, Dr. Chris Leonard, Counseling and Prevention Services associate director; Caitlin Nolen, First Year programs intern; and Michelle Barger, a new college parent, live at 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 13 on the SHS Facebook page to discuss what parents need to know about keeping their students healthy at Wichita State.

The Registrar’s Office will close Thursday, July 22 for staff training. All questions can be directed to the OneStop office in Jardine Hall (room 112).

Shocker Store. Official Store of Wichita State University. Have your textbooks delivered to your dorm room before you move in! Place textbook order at July 15-31 to have your textbooks waiting for you when you arrive to campus! Some exclusions apply. Valid for students living in WSU residence halls only.

Make Shocker move-in day easier and get your textbooks delivered to your room. Simply place your textbook order with the online Shocker Store July 15-31.

The W. Frank Barton School of Business and WSU Tech will host a signing ceremony for the 2+2 program at 3:30 p.m. July 13 at the South Campus, 3821 E. Harry Street.

Both institutions will announce how the expanded Shocker Pathway for Business will enable students to take advantage of the 2+2 partnership, a new renewable scholarship program, as well as other certifications and benefits.

To watch the ceremony online, you can view the event on both the WSU Tech Facebook page, or the Shocker Pathway Facebook page.

Gov. Laura Kelly speaks to a crowd at WSU Tech. on a

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly held a press conference at WSU Tech on July 7 to speak about six upcoming highway improvement projects in South Central Kansas. The projects are the first of the KDOT Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program (IKE).

According to an official press release from the governor’s office, the highway projects will total more than $129 million in investments and will enhance the accessibility and road safety to recruit new businesses and families to south-central Kansas.

Map of where construction crane replacement will occur at Hubbard Hall.

Beginning Monday, July 12, the Greenhouse located at the top of Hubbard Hall will start the process of demolition and removal. This process will require the use of a construction crane to remove materials from the roof.

Please reference the attached map for the location of the crane placement, no access zones and roadway closures during this day-long construction activity.

I am FIRST generation. Wichita State University. "I am a proud first-generation college graduate! That year we had many graduations to celebrate, me from college, my sister from community college and my brother from high school! Our parents were supportive and helped to make it happen." Anne Marie Brown College of Fine Arts, School of Music, Administrative Officer BA, Music Education. F1RST GEN SHOCKERS.

What is a first-gen Student?

A first-generation college student is defined as a student whose parents or legal guardians have not completed a bachelor’s degree. A student who is the first person in their immediate family to attend a four-year college or university to attain a bachelor’s degree.

  • FORM-A-LINE: Become a subcommittee member of FGCC. The First-Generation Coordinating Council (FGCC) is looking for individuals to join in the work. Currently seeking subcommittee members for the following:
    • Marketing
    • Faculty and staff engagement
    • Data and assessment
    • Graduate school
  • FOCUS ON FIRST-GEN: This week we highlight Anne Marie Brown, bachelor of arts in music education, College of Fine Arts, School of Music, administrative officer.
  • F1RST-GEN T-Shirts are available in the RSC Shocker Store for $12.
  • If you’re interested in being featured as a first-generation profile, contact Lydia Santiago.

A list of the events happening the week of Sept. 28- October 4th. Sept.28th: Good Neighbor BINGO Sept. 29th: United Way: Community Organizations panel Sept.30th: SGA: Food Insecurity Panel Oct. 1: Spotlight on our neighbors Oct.2: Morning Neighborhood Walk Oct 3: Spotlight on our neighbors Oct 4: sustaining our neighborhoods.

The Wichita State University Strategic Engagement and Planning (SEP) has officially announced Wichita State Good Neighbor Week Sept. 28-Oct. 4.

During the week, there will be a student-led panel on food insecurity, events including a neighborhood tour through campus Oct. 2 and a panel on service providers in the neighborhood.

Good Neighbor Week speaks to Wichita State’s 2019 Climate Survey indicating opportunities for improvement within the satisfaction of culture and atmosphere on campus and the “Why Good Neighboring Matters” featured in the Chung Report. In the report, of “108 cities surveyed, Wichita ranked the 11th lowest on talking with neighbors frequently, ninth-lowest on doing favors for neighbors frequently and the lowest on seeing and hearing from friends and  family frequently.”

Loneliness and social isolation have been linked to an increase in both heart attacks and strokes. Data has shown that loneliness, social isolation, or both were associated with an increased risk. The risk was similar to that of light smoking or obesity, according to the researchers.

SEP hopes that through Good Neighbor Week we increase engagement on and off-campus and create connections to lead to a sense of belonging. Helping people feel connected and part of something bigger than themselves is the goal. Neighboring does take time and effort, but there are both personal and community benefits.

Thank you to the WSU Student Government Association outreach director, the WSU Department of Sports Management, Shocker Sports Grill and Lanes, the United Way of the Plains and the Ulrich Museum and for committing to being a part of the Good Neighboring Week activities.

For more information or to get involved with Good Neighbor week, email Naquela Pack


As Kansas' one and only Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC), University Libraries works to keep our local and regional innovators informed on how to learn more about intellectual property protection. In keeping with the tradition, University Libraries has compiled a schedule of upcoming no-cost virtual events hosted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

As Kansas’ only Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC), University Libraries works to keep our local and regional innovators informed more about intellectual property protection. In keeping with the tradition, University Libraries has compiled a schedule of upcoming no-cost virtual events hosted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

TIAA Voya KBOR logos.

The Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association and Voya Financial have begun creating joint quarterly newsletters designed to communicate information about both the KBOR Mandatory and Voluntary 403(b) Retirement Plans.

The third quarter topic is “Avoid these common mistakes when naming a beneficiary.”