Justin Pierce, RICP, TIAA financial consultant, will be available for in-person meetings at Wichita State Feb. 11 and 12. At these meetings, Justin can help you confirm that you are on track for retirement and provide specific investment recommendations for your TIAA accounts.

If you are interested in meeting with Justin, schedule a time to meet and have your TIAA login credentials handy. Time slots are limited, so reserve a time soon. If you need scheduling assistance, you can call the TIAA scheduling team at 800-732-8353.

Faculty and staff can visit the Faculty/Staff Acute Care Clinic for minor and acute medical issues only. Appointments are required for the clinic.

The clinic is located in the Student Wellness Center within the Steve Clark YMCA. Most appointments are $30 to $50 for an office visit evaluation by a Student Health Services medical provider, dependent on insurance. The office visit cost does not include the costs for laboratory services, medications or radiology services. Call 316-978-4792 to schedule an appointment.

Co-pays or deductibles are the employee’s responsibility and depend on personal health insurance benefits.

Examples of minor/acute illness/injury acceptable for treatment:

  • Cough, cold, fever and flu
  • Sore throats and sinus infections
  • Bronchitis and pneumonia
  • Allergies and asthma
  • Sprains and strains that are non-work related
  • Headaches and acute migraine
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Ear and eye infections
  • Rashes and skin infections
  • Minor procedures, such as ear lavages
  • In-house laboratory services – rapid strep, UAs, mono, etc.
  • Radiology X-ray services – not ultrasound
  • Pharmacy services — with prescriptions written by SHS providers
  • Immunizations
  • Tuberculosis testing
  • Blood pressure checks
  • Sexually transmitted infections with symptoms

Injuries and illnesses occurring while on the job at WSU must be reported to your supervisor and follow Human Resources procedures. Student Health Services cannot treat potential workers’ compensation injuries or illnesses.

WSU Student Health employees will provide medical services as licensed medical providers. They are nurse practitioners, physician assistants and registered nurses. The clinic is a Student Health Services clinic.

F45 logo with the wording: Functional 45 F45 Training

Faculty and staff are invited to try F45 classes for free during the first week of the spring semester (Jan. 21-27). This is your chance to experience dynamic, team-based workouts designed to boost your energy, improve your fitness and elevate your work life and health.

Class times:

  • Monday-Thursday: 6:15 a.m., noon, 5:15 p.m. and 7:15 p.m.
  • Friday: 6:15 a.m., noon and 5:15 p.m.
  • Saturday-Sunday: 1:15 p.m.

Reserve your spot now. Space in class is limited, so don’t wait.

Bonus offer: Sign up for payroll deduction during this special week and receive a complimentary body composition scan to personalize your fitness journey.

Discover how F45’s innovative and time-efficient workouts can help you reduce stress, improve focus and feel your best — both on and off campus.

Electronic 2024 W-2 forms are now available for employees to access through Employee Self-Service. If you haven’t already, consent to receive your 2024 W-2 electronically. For employees who do not consent to receiving electronic W-2 statements, the forms will be mailed and postmarked by the IRS deadline of Jan. 31.

To consent to receive your 2024 W-2 virtually:

  • Sign in* to State of Kansas Employee Self-Service, which can be accessed through your myWSU under: Faculty/Staff -> “Employee Self-Service” -> “State of Kansas Employee Self-Service”
  • Select “My System Profile”
  • Select “W-2: Consent, Reissue Forms”

*To find your State of KS User ID, click on the “Click to reveal ID” within the “SHaRP ID” box directly below Employee Self Service on myWSU.

Please note: If you are logging into the State of Kansas Employee Self-Service for the first time, you will need to contact the State of Kansas Employee Self Service Help Desk at 785-296-1900 or 866-999-3001. Identify yourself as a Wichita State University employee to get your password for your initial login. WSU HR does not have access to provide this information.

If you have not yet consented to receive your W-2 electronically but would like to, it’s not too late. Instructions can be found on payroll’s website.

Watermark has introduced a new results home option in the “Results” drop-down menu in CES. It is easy to use, interactive and a centralized place for your reporting needs.

This new option gives instructors access to visual representations and information on each report, which will help them decide which report(s) they should run. There is also a “Project Spotlight” section where instructors can choose to view results for a specific semester’s project, course(s) and even by question on the “Main Course Evaluation.”

If CES course evaluations were administered to your fall 2024 courses, you can sign in to your Watermark CES dashboard through Blackboard or use the link in the email sent from WSU Evaluations to access your results and try out the new feature.

Additional information can be found on the CES website.

Picture of the Kansas Leadership Center logo and book cover of When Everyone Leads by Ed O'Malley and Julia Fabris McBride.

Human Resources and Staff Senate are excited to continue to offer faculty and staff a professional development opportunity made possible through a grant they wrote and were awarded by the Kansas Leadership Center (KLC). The grant provides a select number of seats for their leadership development path that consists of three steps and starts with step one, When Everyone Leads.

Based on KLC’s bestselling book, “When Everyone Leads,” this six-hour course makes leadership radically accessible and inclusive, unleashing capacity for collective leadership in teams, organizations, coalitions and communities.

All faculty and staff are invited to go to the HR professional development website to learn more and find instructions for submitting an interest form.

Traveling internationally? Pursuant to university policy, when travelling internationally, either for university-affiliated or personal travel, you may be required to receive approval and/or submit paperwork prior to your departure. This is in addition to your ChromeRiver requirements if traveling on business.

Traveling for personal reasons? If you access WSU services or take WSU owned hardware, you still need a simplified travel form. Find out what you need to submit.

Wichita State staff and faculty walk-in headshot event. Wednesday, March 5, 9-11am, RSC, Room 266 (Pike)

The Office of Strategic Communications will offer headshot photos to WSU faculty and staff at no additional charge. These opportunities are quick and walk-in only without needing to schedule an appointment.

The next headshot photo event is from 9 to 11 a.m. Wednesday, March 5 in 266 Rhatigan Student Center, Pike Room.

Additional dates will be announced in the future. Learn more about headshots and what to expect at wichita.edu/headshots.

Jeremy Kohn, ChFC, TIAA financial consultant, will be available for in-person meetings at Wichita State Dec. 3 and 4. At these meetings, Jeremy can help you confirm that you are on track for retirement and provide specific investment recommendations for your TIAA accounts.

If you are interested in meeting with Jeremy, schedule a time to meet, and have your TIAA login credentials handy. If you need scheduling assistance, you can call the TIAA scheduling team at 800-732-8353.

If you are not able to schedule a meeting with Jeremy because appointments have filled and you do not see a virtual option on another day, you can email Jeremy directly at jeremy.kohn@tiaa.org to schedule another appointment and his team will assist you.

Piggy bank with stethoscope

A few reminders about your SEHP accounts to wrap up 2024. You may have funds expiring at the end of this year.

SEHP HRA/FSA 2024 deadlines:

  • HRA funds must be used on eligible expenses incurred on or before Dec. 31.
  • For FSA funds, there is a maximum rollover amount of $640, so if you have funds in excess of that amount, those funds must also be used on eligible expenses incurred on or before Dec. 31 or they will be forfeited.
  • Dependent Care FSA expenses have a 75-day grace period where you can incur expenses up until March 16, 2025, and must file claims against your 2024 balance by April 30, 2025. Any funds remaining after this date are forfeited.

HealthQuest 2024 deadlines:

  • You have until Dec. 31 to earn credits towards the premium discount.

Also, your medical plan deductible and out-of-pocket maximums reset on Jan. 1, 2025 and you will also start fresh earning HealthQuest credits for reward dollars in 2025 and to earn your premium discount for 2026.

If you have questions about any of these deadlines, contact TotalRewards@wichita.edu.