Image reads: “ADCI Arts Market, November 2nd and November 4th at 11 AM – 2 PM. Open to everyone. Come buy art from our very own ADCI students! Located in the RSC in the food court area. Reach us”

Are you looking for unique art to decorate your walls? Students from Wichita State’s School of Art, Design and Creative Industries (ADCI) will host an Arts Market 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Nov. 2 and Nov. 4 near the food court at the Rhatigan Student Center.

The market will include prints, paintings, ceramics, jewelry, stickers, macramé, embroidery, engraved accessories and more. Cash, card, Apple Pay and Google Pay will be accepted. Venmo, Cash app and PayPal will not be accepted.

Susan Randall, October 26th, 6:00pm - 7:00pm, Shocker Hall. SWE (Society of Women Engineers). Susan Randall is a professionally licensed engineer with a Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering and 20 years of experience in her field. She has worked in the design and construction (EPC-Engineering, Procurement, and Construct) business, as a nuclear system engineer at a nuclear power generating station, and as a construction field engineer. Ms. Randall will briefly describe a typcial industrial engineers' responsibilities and potential career paths. She will also share some thoughts, opinions, and experiences on career mentoring and engineering advancement.

The Society of Women Engineers will host Susan Randall at its next event at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26 at the Shocker Hall Multipurpose Room. Randall will discuss her career in design, construction and power while providing advice about mentoring and professional growth. Food will be provided.

Elizabethan style tan invitation featuring 'The Madrigal Singers of Wichita State University present A Madrigal Feaste.'

The Madrigal Singers of Wichita State University will host an Elizabethan themed evening of feasting and music beginning at 6 p.m. Friday Dec. 3 at the Rhatigan Student Center Beggs Ballroom. The event will begin with seating, charcuterie and a cash bar between 6-7 p.m. The royal procession and dinner will begin at 7 p.m.

For many years, the Wichita State Madrigal Dinner was an important tradition for the Madrigal Singers and this event is part of the group’s effort to re-establish it.

For more information or to order your tickets, please visit the WSU Madrigal Feast.

Join the next Economist Anonymous event 7:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 28 via Zoom. Economist Anonymous will discuss supply chain and economics in the role of business development as well as how current events affect a global business. The event includes a discussion with Joshua Coaten, director of business development from Johnson Controls.

To join the event, please contact the group via Shocker Sync (Search for Economist Anonymous).

Join the next Economist Anonymous event 11 a.m.-noon Saturday, Oct. 23 at the Starbucks located in Braeburn Square. During the event, Brady Ashton, an alumnus of both Wichita State’s Economic Department and Economist Anonymous, will discuss his current role at Koch. The event offers participants an opportunity to learn how to job search while a student, while also allowing members to network.

To celebrate Dyslexia Awareness Month, the Office of Disability Services will provide a dyslexia awareness information table 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Oct. 28 on the first floor of Rhatigan Student Center.

Dyslexia is considered a learning disability. The following information describes what would be considered a person with a disability: an individual, who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, has a record of such a disability or is regarded as having a disability. These life activities include but are not limited to learning, working, walking, breathing, hearing and seeing, in addition to many other physical and sensory functions.

If a student, faculty or staff member would like classroom or workplace accommodations, contact the HR Total Rewards Team at


Join the League of Women Voters and the Wichita Public Library discussion about general codes of ethics and for the Wichita City Council Code of Ethics at noon Oct. 26 a via Zoom. Dr. Neal Allen, the chairman of the Political Science Department at Wichita State, will present on the topic of “Codes of Ethics for Government Bodies.”

Registration is required for this event. For more information or to register, contact 316-261-8500 or visit the Wichita Public Library events calendar. A link to the program will be sent to a registered member’s inbox the day before and of the program.

WIN A $50 GIFT CARD. Green Group Hosts: Thrifted Costume Competition Online and In Person October 28th in person at the Rhatigan Student Center Room 319 and Online by tagging green group in your instagram story.

Wichita State’s Green Group will host a thrifted costume competition at 7 p.m. Oct. 28 at the Rhatigan Student Center (Room 319). Participants can also enter virtually by posting a picture of their costume to their Instagram story and tagging @green_wsu.

There will be two winners chosen for the in-person competition and the virtual competition. The winners of the competition will receive a $50 gift card to Grate Fill, The Hereafter or Dead Center Vintage.

The graphic features a photo of President Rick Muma and first gentleman Rick Case with the text Pizza with the President Wednesday, October twenty-seventh from four to five P M in the Rhatigan Student Center east courtyard.

Spend an afternoon with Wichita State President Rick Muma and first gentleman Rick Case at Pizza with the President 4-5 p.m. Oct. 27 at the Rhatigan Student Center courtyard. The event will feature music from DJ Magnum, the Lampy Camper Photo Booth by Lamphouse, games and Homecoming giveaways. The pizza is free to all Wichita State students while supplies last.

Pizza with the President is a Wichita State Homecoming (Oct. 23-30) event. For a full schedule of events and activities please visit the official WSU 2021 Homecoming website.

Pee for Pizza. Step 1: Submit a urine sample. Step 2: Get free pizza! Get tested for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia at the Student Wellness Center and get free pizza in return. Other free STI testing available upon request. November 3 | November 18. 12:00 pm- 4:00 pm. Student Wellness Center. (316)-978-4792. Appointment Required.

The Student Health Services is hosting another Pee for Pizza event from noon to 4 p.m. Nov. 3 at the Student Wellness Center. Come submit a urine sample; and while we test it for any signs of STIs,  enjoy some free pizza. Other free STI testing is available upon request.

Call 316-978-4792 to schedule your appointment. Appointments are required to participate.