The next presentation of Wichita State’s Disaster Resilience Analytics Center (DRAC) seminar series will take place noon-1 p.m. today, Nov. 19 via Zoom. During the event, Dr. Zelalem Demissie will present his seminar titled “An Integrated Time-Series Surface Deformation Analysis Using INSAR, GNSS and NLDAS Data.

Dr. Demissie will present the results of his investigations of the 2020 Wichita area earthquakes using observations obtained from Remotely Sensed Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS).

Graphic featuring text '2021-2022 All Campust Build. Wichita Habitat for Humanity logo, WSU logo, Wichita State University Student Affairs. Connecting Every Student.'

Habitat for Humanity and Wichita State have partnered for an all campus build that will begin with wall raising ceremony at 9 a.m. Dec.1 at 1304 North Lorraine Street. The event will feature a message from Rick Case, first gentleman, Wichita State.

The construction of the house will involve multiple WSU organizations including the following:  the WSU Office of Administration and Finance, the WSU Foundation, the WSU Shocker Neighborhood Scholars, the Interfraternity Council, the Multicultural Greek Council, WSU Graduate Operations, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion the Cohen Honors College, the WSU Community Service Board and the WSU Engineers without Borders. The event is open to the public.

Join us for the next Physics Seminar at 2 p.m. Nov. 17 via Zoom or in Jabara Hall, room 126. The title of Dr. Andrew Hart’s, talk will be “Hiding in Plain Sight: Long-Lived Exotica at the LHC.”

Save the date to the Fairmount Formal . on February nineteen comma twenty twenty two . sponsored by student activities council.

Save the date. The Student Activities Council (SAC) will host The Fairmount Formal Feb. 19, 2022. The event is open to students, faculty and staff. The evening will include dancing, food, fun and memories. Though formal attire is requested, it is not a requirement. More details will be available at a later date.

Pee for Pizza Step 1: Submit a urine sample Step 2: Get Free Pizza! Get tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia at the Student Wellness Center and get free pizza in return. Other free STI testing available on request. November 3|November 18. 12:00pm-4:00pm Student Wellness Center (316)-978-4792 Appointment Required.

Student Health Services (SHS) is hosting a Pee for Pizza event noon-4 p.m. today, Nov. 18 at the Student Wellness Center. Come submit a urine sample; and while we test it for any signs of STIs,  enjoy some free pizza. Other free STI testing is available upon request.

Call 316-978-4792 to schedule your appointment. Appointments are required to participate.

National Society of Black Engineers, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, and Society of Women Engineers invite you to Friendsgiving. Friday, November 19, 6:00pm - 7:00pm, John Bardo Center Lobby.

The National Society of Black Engineers, the Society of Hispanic Professional Professional Engineers and the Society of Women Engineers will host a Friendsgiving at 6 p.m. Friday, Nov. 19 at the lobby located in the John Bardo Center. Participants are asked to bring a side or dessert if they are able.

International Education Week November 15 through November 19.

International Education Week 2021 will take place Nov. 15-19. The week provides an opportunity to celebrate the knowledge and diversity international students bring to Wichita State and universities worldwide. Join the celebration by participating in an international trivia competition, listening to international student stories, viewing your name in another language and more.

View the full list of events at Wichita State’s International Education Week 2021 website. Want to kick off the celebration early? Take this short quiz about international students at Wichita State.

S-A-C Student Activities Council sponsors Maker Market, a Wichita State Arts and Crafts Fair. November fifteen through eighteen, ten a.m. to 2 p.m. on the first floor of the Rhatigan Student Center.

Wichita State’s Student Activities Council (SAC) Maker Market brings arts, crafts and keepsakes directly to you. The market is open 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Nov. 15-18 at the Rhatigan Student Center. Vendors will include Patrick Heath of Lear Heath Studios, TC Austin of Unique Tibetan Jewelry, Leaf and Stone Apothecary, Native Whisper Arts and more. Accepted forms of payment vary per vendor.

For more information on SAC events, visit the WSU SAC website or contact

Celebrate International Games Week noon-5 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 11 at the Ablah Library. International Games Week is an initiative run by volunteers worldwide to reconnect communities through their libraries around the educational, recreational and social value of all types of games. The event will include games out on the main level. 

Picture of Brittany Piper and text ' Brittany Piper Violence Prevention Educator Survivor Healing Coach.'

The College of Health Professions and the Delta Gamma Sorority is hosting Brittany Piper for a presentation about leadership in health at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 15 via Zoom (ID: 886 5498 2301 and Passcode: WSU). Piper is a leading national expert on sexual violence and prevention and is a healing and wellness coach. Piper uses her story of adversity, resilience and triumph to empower and inspire audiences to take brave action in their own lives and communities.

The event is open to the campus community.