Picture of scales, miniature police car and WSU plaque on desk.

The Wichita Public Library will host Candid Conversations: An Insider’s Perspective on Criminal Justice Reform 6–7:30 p.m. March 31 at the Advanced Learning Library Conference Center.

The public dialogue on criminal justice reform has primarily been through the lens of criminal justice professionals, academics and politicians. This panel will feature former offenders who will discuss what needs to be reformed in the criminal justice system. Dr. Michael Birzer, a Wichita state professor of criminal justice, will facilitate the panel discussion.

Registration is required to attend this event. To register, contact 316-261-8500 or visit the Wichita Public Library Events Calendar webpage.

Wichita State University School of Nursing Information Session Friday, March 11 at 10 a.m. Wichita State main campus Ahlberg room 110. Thinking about becoming a nurse? Join us to learn more about School of Nursing program options, admission requirements and questions directly to program faculty. wichita.edu/NursingInfoSession.

Are you interested in a career in nursing? Wichita State’s School of Nursing will host an information session at 10 a.m. Friday, March 11 at Ahlberg Hall (Room 110).

The session will discuss program options, admission requirements and will allow time for participants to ask the nursing faculty questions. To attend this event, registration is required within 24 hours before the start time.

White image with yellow suitcase on white background featuring text 'Entrepreneurship Research Series - Market Research For Startups takes place 12 - 1:30 p.m. Friday, March 4 online. Visit libraries.wichita.edu/ers for full details.'

The next Entrepreneurship Research Workshop (ERS) “Market Research for Start-Ups” will take place today noon-1:30 p.m. via Zoom. The workshop will provide resources and strategies for market research including how to discover industry trends, identify competitors at home and abroad, how to determine your target market, and where to find where your best customers are located. Registration for this workshop is free of charge.

Image of women reading a book with starry background and text 'Wichita State University Humanities Conference.'

The English Graduate Student Association (EGSA), Wichita State’s Philosophy Society and Sigma Tau Delta will host a Humanities Conference 8 a.m.-4 p.m. today, March 4 at the Ulrich Museum of Art. Breakfast will be 8 -8:40 a.m. The event will be broken into four sessions:

  • Expressing Grief
  • Ruminations and Analysis in the Humanities
  • Creative Works and Projects
  • Informational Research of Past and Current Issues

After these sessions, the keynote speaker will begin at 2 p.m. For more information, contact sjrobinson2@shockers.Wichita.edu or weharrison@shockers.wichita.edu

Flyer for the Celebrating. Text 'IThe week starts out with the 7th annual Diverse Women's Summit to be held on Monday, March 7th which will consist of a Student Showcase from 9:00 am-noon, followed by a Creative Concourse from 1:00 - 4:00 pm, and an evening International Women's Day panel on Intersectionality at Wichita State: Prospects and Perspectives from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. On Thursday, March 10th, we kick off the 9th annual Gender & Sexuality in Kansas Conference with a keynote presentation featuring, C.J. Janovy, who will share Lessons in Activism from LGBT Kansas. The talk will be proceeded by a community showcase from 5:30-6:30 pm in the Marcus Welcome Center. The keynote, from 6:30 - 7:30 pm, can be attended in person or via live stream.'ntersectional Feminism events planned for March 7th-11th, 2022.

Celebrate Intersectional Feminism at three events March 7-11. The events are in honor of Women’s History Month and are sponsored by the Center for Women’s Studies, the Women’s, Ethnicity, and Intersectional Studies Steering Committee, the Department of Sociology, and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI). All events are free and open to the public. The week of events include the following:

For more information or to register for these events, visit the the ODI events calendar.

Foundation Requisition Training is open to all WSU staff members. During the training, participants will learn how to process and submit Foundation requisitions. There are three different sessions available which will take place at the Rhatigan Student Center (Room 203):

  • 10-11 a.m. Monday, March 28
  • 2-3 p.m. Tuesday, March 29
  • 11 a.m.-noon Wednesday, March 30

Participants will only need to attend one day. Each session is limited to 25 people.

For more information, contact Kimberly Pham at 316-978-3813 or kimberly.pham@wichita.edu.

The Office of Adult Learning is hosting a meet-and-great so faculty and staff can meet their new Social Service and Grants specialist Melissa Lubbers 11 a.m.–2 p.m. today, March 11 at the Grace Wilkie Annex. During the event, faculty and staff can learn about the services Lubbers can offer adult learners.  Participants are invited to bring their business cards for entry in a raffle for a swag bag. Taco bar, drinks and cookies will be provided.

Faculty and staff are invited to watch the next edition of the Disaster Resilience Analytics Center Seminar Series featuring Dr. George Dehner, associate professor Wichita State Department of History  associate professor, noon-1 p.m. March 4 via Zoom. The presentation is titled “Translating Science into Decisions: Influenza Pandemics in the late 20th and early 21st Centuries.”

During the presentation, Dehner will discuss how the sciences and policymakers play complementary roles in crafting public health responses. While often acting harmoniously, because of the differences in assessing risk and crafting recommendations, there can be friction in the process of decision-making. By examining influenza pandemic responses—notably the 1976 Swine flu pandemic and the Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Pandemic in 2009—it is apparent there was discordance between researchers and policymakers in crafting policy responses.

Dehner is a world environmental historian who examines the intersection of humans and disease in the modern era. His first book “Influenza: A Century of Science and Public Health” was published in April 2012 by the University of Pittsburgh Press. His second book “Global Flu and You: A History of Influenza” was published in December 2012 by Reaktion Press. His article “WHO Knows Best? National and International Responses to Pandemic Threats and the ‘Lessons’ of 1976” was published in the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. The article received the 2011 Margaret T. Lane/Virginia F. Saunders Memorial Research Award by the American Library Association Government Documents Roundtable.

Dehner is currently working on a research project on Legionnaires’ Disease. Dehner has recently presented his perspectives in “Influenza pandemics since Russian Flu: Do they provide insight to COVID-19?” as part of a Fairmont College of Liberal Arts and Sciences series, Perspectives on the Pandemic.

The meeting will be recorded and the recorded video will be posted on YouTube.

Laser Tag at Gamefest will be held at the Rhatigan Student Center 3rd Floor. This event is free and is come-and-go from 5pm to 9pm on Saturday, March 5, 2022. Register for 6-on-6 laser tag or enjoy open play board games, yard games, mario kart, madden nfl, wii sports, or beat saber! This event is sponsored by Student Activities Council. Register for laser tag at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080a4aa5a62aa5f94-gamefest1.

Student Activities Council (SAC) will host Gamefest 5-9 p.m. Saturday, March 5 at the Rhatigan Student Center (third floor). The event will feature board games, virtual reality, video games, yard games, or laser tag (register to participate).

This is a free come-and-go event. Laser tag registration will stay open until all time spots are reserved.

Flyer for the Celebrating Intersectional Feminism events planned for March 7th-11th, 2022. Events include the Diverse Women's Summit to be held on Monday, March 7th, the Diversity Lecture Series on Thursday, March 10th, and the Gender & Sexuality in Kansas Conference on March 11th. For specific details about each event and to register, go to the www.wichita.ed/odievents page.

Registration is now open for the ninth annual Gender an Sexuality in Kansas conference. The conference will include a keynote speech 5:30-7:30 p.m. March 10 at the Marcus Welcome Center and a virtual full-day event 9 a.m.-3 p.m. March 11. The conference is free to all students, faculty and staff from Kansas colleges and universities and the surrounding communities.

The keynote presentation will feature C.J. Janovy, author of “No Place Like Home: Lessons in Activism from LGBT Kansas.” There is a virtual option to attend this event.

All conference attendees must register by March 7 to receive the links needed to access the conference sessions. 

The full agenda, with session descriptions, will be added to the official conference website and Facebook event in the next couple of weeks. To access this information in the future, attendants should follow the event @WSUSoc1.