Edible Book Festival by University Libraries is this week. Enter by noon Thursday, March 31. Event takes place Friday, April in Ablah Library. Awesome prizes will be awarded. Visit libraries.wichita.edu/ediblebookfestival for no-cost sign-up as well as full event details.

University Libraries annual Edible Book Festival is set for this Friday, April 1 in Ablah Library. Students, faculty, staff, and community members are encouraged to submit their culinary creations for a chance to win awesome prizes.

There is no-cost to sign-up, and contestants must be signed up by noon Thursday, March 31. The event takes place in-person, and participants must bring their entry to the library for voting. Please read the rules and regulations at the link below.

Everyone is invited to vote for your favorite between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Friday, April 1 at the library.

Please join us for a public lecture by Dr. Hung Tran from Texas Tech University. The lecture, titled “Geometry and Topology: A Tale of Rigidity,” will take place at 3 p.m. Friday, April 8 in room 372 Jabara Hall. Refreshments will be available at 2:30 p.m. in room 353 Jabara Hall.

Please join us for a public lecture by Dr. Ricardo Mendes from the University of Oklahoma at Norman.  The lecture, titled “Symmetric convex subsets of Euclidean space,” will take place at 3 p.m. Friday, April 1 in room 372 Jabara Hall.  Refreshments will be available at 2:30 p.m. in room 353 Jabara Hall.

Join us for the next physics seminar talk at 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 30 via Zoom and in Clinton Hall 126.  The speaker this week will be Dr. Eric Huff, from the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, California. The title for this talk is  “Dark Energy Survey.”

Painting of medusa yelling "Stop Blaming Us"

Join Lydia Humphreys for their thesis exhibition “Changing the Narrative: A visual investigation into victim blaming, and a call to action” at Groover Labs, 334 St. Francis in Wichita.

The exhibition will be on display from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. through March 25, and there will be a closing reception at 6 p.m. Friday, March 25.

Picture of Transition Mentor leading campus tour during Orientation

Student Success will host the annual Orientation spring update meeting at 2 p.m. today in Hubbard Hall room 208.

During the meeting, we will review the highlights from the Orientation feedback sessions, the purpose of Orientation, and the program agendas for new students entering in the summer and fall 2022.

Please note, these programs are designed for new, degree seeking, domestic undergraduate students. Presenters are encouraged to attend.

The World Trade Council of Wichita, Center for International Business Advancement and the International Business Studies Association are hosting the first dinner program in the COVID era on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its aftermath on Friday, April 8. Reservations are required and can be made with the link below.

The issue is both evolving and topical with relevance for local, regional, global and grand strategy. Our panel consists of experts that will bring diverse points of view to the debate; please note that Dr. Mark Wilcox will not present as a member of the US Army Command, but as a retired Army officer and his views are personal/unofficial.

We have not reopened WTCouncil membership for the year.  For paid attendees, we offer a social hour with wine and a three-course dinner for $45.  Should you wish to attend with no social hour or dinner, attendance is free. Students can register at WTCouncil’s subsidized student rate of $25. For information on IBSA membership, please contact Denis Orwaru at dgorwaru@shockers.wichita.edu.

Wichitalks Big Read Edition. Presented by KMUW Wichita 89.1, Wichita Public Library and NEA Big Read.
Wichitalks is back! Join us Friday, April 29, at Roxy’s Downtown. Doors open at 6:00 p.m., and the show starts at 7:00 p.m.
Wichitalks is an event that brings together passionate individuals and an active audience for an evening of diverse presentations. We look to surface unique perspectives, passion projects, and compelling stories that add value to our community.
This special edition of Wichitalks is co-presented by Wichita Public Library as part of the NEA Big Read: Wichita. Together we invite presentations pertaining to the concept of home. Like Esperanza in “The House on Mango Street” — this year’s Big Read book — we all have unique experiences, colorful communities, and stories of personal growth that contribute to our ideas of the meaning of home. Sometimes they are harsh realities and sometimes they are deeply joyous. At this Wichitalks we celebrate those stories.
Ten handpicked individuals will each share a five-minute presentation on the theme of home. With only 20 slides, each auto-advancing every 15 seconds, presentations are brief, insightful, and passionately delivered.
The deadline to apply is March 31. Selected presenters will be notified on 5 p.m. April 6. Presenters will then work with a committee of KMUW and Wichita Public Library staff to hone and finalize presentations in advance of the big event on April 29. Presenters must be available for a dress rehearsal and group dinner on April 28.

Andrew Clem, director of WSU Environmental, Health and Safety; and Cody Charvat, director of Sedgwick County Emergency Management, will conduct training sessions for chief emergency building coordinators (CEBC) and emergency building coordinators (EBC) on Wednesday, March 30, in room 142 of the Rhatigan Student Center.

The training session is 9-9:45 a.m. for new CEBCs or any current CEBC wishing to attend a refresher session. The training session for new EBC or any current EBC wishing to attend a refresher session will be held from 10-10:45 a.m. Wednesday, March 30 in 142 RSC.

Please sign up for these sessions in myTraining.

Wichita State University | 12th annual Drag Show | Party Like a Drag Star

The Drag Show is back for its 12th year, and the queens and kings are better than ever!

Do not miss your opportunity to witness all the sass, style, and sexy from local, regional, and internationally known kings and queens at 8 p.m Friday, March 25 at the WSU Metroplex.

Tickets are on sale now. Ticket rates are $5 for WSU students with Shocker ID, $8 faculty and staff, $10 general admission. This will be a cashless event and only credit cards will be accepted for advance tickets and at the door.