Faculty and staff are invited to join the Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) group for their spring 2022 campus highlights brunch event beginning at 9 a.m. April 28 at the Rhatigan Student Center (Beggs Ballroom). During the event, join the SEM group as they present SEM recognitions and announce the winner of the SEM Project Award.

The SEM Project Award will be given to the team or teams, faculty, staff, or both, who have made a notable contribution to meeting SEM goals. Registration is required to attend.

Picture of Brian Adams

The next Industrial, Systems, and Manufacturing Engineering (ISME) Colloquium will feature Brian Adams, Textron Aviation vice president of aftermarket innovation will present at 11 a.m., today, April 8 via Zoom. Adams’ presentation is titled “Applied Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering in New Aircraft Design.”

Adams will discuss how Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering play an integral role in the design of products to improve the safety, quality, delivery, and cost of new products, including aircraft. This presentation will share examples of applied ISME principles during the design and building plans for new aircraft.

Sign up to learn more about resources available to women at Wichita State at the “100 for Her” table 10 a.m.-1 p.m. April 8 at the Rhatigan Student Center. The “100 for Her ” video presentation and digital magazine provides participants with 100 informative resources for women.

Self Defense For Women: Fearless and Female. Self-Defense class for Wichita State Women! Wednesday, April 13, 2022; 5:00 - 6:30pm; $10 per participant; Heskett Center Room #145A

The Heskett Center will host a women’s self-defense class 5:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 13 at the Heskett Center (Room 145A). The class is $10 per person. The class is lead by Wichita State alumni Cindy Coughenour.

For more information or to attend the class, contact cindy@fearlessandfemale.com and include the message “I want to register for class date 4-13-2022.”

Image with pink background featuring text DEA Nation RX TakeBack In honor of the 2022 National Take Back Day April 30, Student Health Services (SHS) at the YMCA will collect any unused prescription or over-the-counter drugs 8 a.m.-5 p.m. April 18-28.

In honor of the 2022 National Take Back Day April 30, Student Health Services (SHS) at the Steve Clark YMCA will collect any unused prescription or over-the-counter drugs 8 a.m.-5 p.m. April 18-28. The event is sponsored by SHS and the Wichita State Police Department and provides a safe, convenient and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs.

Dr. Netta Engelhardt, MIT Biedenharn Career Development assistant professor of physics, will present  a public lecture, “Black Hole Information Paradox: A Resolution on the Horizon,” at 2 p.m. today, April 7 via Zoom. The Zoom will be available for participants to view at a watch party at Hubbard Hall (Room 211).

Engelhardt is visiting as part of the Watkins Visiting Professorship. The Watkins Visiting Professorship was created in 1974 by the Watkins Foundation. This grant is now provided through the Watkins fund, a part of the Wichita State University Foundation’s endowment.

Wichita State University's Truman Nguyen is sitting at a computer in The Hub room representing the Esports team for the videogame, Valorant

Wichita State Esports is hosting the first Valorant High School Combine 9 a.m.-8 p.m. May 7 at the Esports Hub at the Heskett Center. The event will feature local high schools competing against each other in a group and playoff stage. The event is free and open to spectators.

Curious to know your top five strengths? Sign up for the spring 2022 session of Discovering Your Unique Strengths 1:30-4:30 p.m. April 25 at the Rhatigan Student Center. Sign up through myTraining to attend and take a free CliftonStrengths inventory.

For more information, contact Kennedy Rogers at kennedy.rogers@wichita.edu.

Artist Talk. Annabel Daou. Being Numerous. Tuesday, April 5th. 5:30 P.M. Reception, 6:00 P.M. Program. Free and open to all. Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita State University. For more info visit ulrich.wichita.edu/programs

Lebanese American artist Annabel Daou will give an artist talk at the Ulrich Museum of Art  at 6 p.m. today, April 5. There will be a reception before at 5:30 p.m. The program is free and open to the public.

Daou is known for her poetic conceptual pieces that often mine history and use language across multiple media to empower viewers in the present moment. Her talk, titled “Being Numerous,” will address her works which feature multiple voices and responses. The Ulrich recently acquired Daou’s sound installation “DECLARATION,” which is currently on exhibit at Wichita State’s Grace Memorial Chapel. Daou will discuss this installation during the event.

The image is a yellow rectangle with black and white decorative specks around the outside. The text in the center yellow rectangle says, You are invited to a the Spring 2020 Exhibition Opening. Tuesday, April 26th 2:00-5:00 Lowell D. Holmes Museum of Anthropology Wichita State University Neff Hall - first floor Come and go reception.

The Lowell D. Holmes Museum of Anthropology will host an event featuring spring 2022 exhibits 2-5 p.m. Tuesday, April 26 at Neff Hall. Light refreshments will be served at the event.

Featured exhibits will include the following:

“The Power of Ritual Object” – By the Museum Exhibition Class

“Accessibility in Museums” – Master’s project by Gracie Tolley

“Below Wichita” – by Gracie Tolley and Angie Guevara

“Etzanoa Traveling Exhibit” – A master’s project from 2019 by Carissa Speck

“The Many Faces of China” – A photography exhibit