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In celebration of the 10th anniversary of Higgs boson discovery, Wichita’s State’s High Energy Physics (HEP) Theory Group will host a watch party featuring live video coverage of the national celebration Higgs@10 at 11 a.m. today, June 30 at 262 Rhatigan Student Center.

The Higgs discovery on July 4, 2012, at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland, was a remarkable milestone in the history of Experimental and Theoretical Particle Physics.

Dr. Terrance Figy, Wichita State Department of Physics, Mathematics and Statistics assistant professor and theoretical physicist, has contributed to the modeling of the Higgs boson production. Dr. Nick Solomey, WSU professor of physics, spent seven years at the European Center for Nuclear Research, the Geneva Switzerland-based research facility where the Higgs boson was discovered.

Participants can also watch the event via Zoom.

Image with WSU logo, Wichita State University, College of Health Professionals, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.

Graduate students in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) speech-language pathology (SLP) program will host their fourth annual Aphasia Awareness Night from 3-5 p.m., Tuesday, July 19 at the Eugene M. Hughes Metropolitan Complex (5015 E. 29th St. North).

The event is geared toward health professions students, but anyone (especially within psychology, counseling and social work) is welcome to attend.

Come learn about working with patients who have aphasia. The event will feature a question and answer session with clients who have acquired aphasia and their caregivers. They will offer insight on the most beneficial techniques and support when working with various healthcare providers. The goal of the event is to foster a multidisciplinary approach to benefit these patients.

All attendants should enter through Entrance N located on the south side of the building (look for the awning). All attendants will then move through various stations throughout the event.

For more information, contact ashley.purdum@wichita.edu.

College of Engineering Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences College of Health Professions Clash of the Colleges Save the date August 26, 2022 Cessna Stadium 4 PM Visit wichita.edu/clash for more information College of Applied Studies College of Fine Arts W. Frank Barton School of Business

First-Year Programs in Student Success and Campus Activities and Recreation will host Clash of the Colleges Friday, Aug. 26. The event will include relay races, team sports and other competitions between academic colleges to determine who rules the school. Come by yourself or with a group of other new students and enjoy an afternoon of interactive fun. All students are required to sign up with the RSVP form. Registration will close at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 24.

Virtual games and a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate event are also part of Clash of the Colleges. Read more below.

KMUW Wichita 89.1. Literary Feast. Wednesday, July 20. Trust by Hernan Diaz.

The next KMUW Literary Feast will take place from 6-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 20 at KMUW. Dinner will be provided by Public. Literary Feast is KMUW’s monthly book club, featuring selections made by KMUW staff. For July, the staff has selected ‘Trust’ By Hernan Diaz.

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion will be hosting on-campus interviews next week for the associate director position.

Students, faculty and staff are invited to attend a 20-minute presentation with a 10-minute Q&A session for two candidates 2-2:30 p.m. Monday, June 27 in Rhatigan Student Center 262 and 9-9:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 29 in Rhatigan Student Center 264.

The presentation theme will be “Outcomes of High Impact Practices for Underserved Students.” No online format will be available for these presentations.

For more information, contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at diversity@wichita.edu.

A retirement ceremony for Lori Evans will take place 2-4 p.m. today, July 28. at 142 Rhatigan Student Center. Evans is retiring after more than 30 years of working for Wichita State OneStop student services as a First-Year advisor.

Group of people wearing Suspenders4Hope shirts and talking outside.

Learn how you can help someone in need and spread hope by attending the next Preventing Suicide Training at 10 a.m. Thursday, July 21 at The Phoenix. The training is free for all participants.

The training is presented by Dr. Jessica Provines, Wichita State assistant vice president for Wellness and chief psychologist. All participants will receive a free Suspenders4Hope T-shirt and continuing education credits are available.

Image of float at 2021 Juneteenth parade.

Members of the Shocker community are invited to attend the JuneteenthICT Parade, co-sponsored by Wichita State University’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Student Engagement, Advocacy & Leadership, and Office Engagement, beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 18.

The parade celebrates the 157th anniversary of Juneteenth and will begin at Holy Savior Catholic Academy (3000 E. 13th St. N.). The parade will end at Historic McAdams Park, where an all-day Juneteenth ICT celebration will take place.

The Office of Engagement and the Ulrich Museum will host a glowing after-hours exploration of the Martin H. Bush Outdoor Sculpture Collection 6-8 p.m. June 21.

After touring the sculptures, participants are invited to venture over to the Duerksen Fine Arts Center Amphitheater to watch “Encanto” at 9 p.m. Food trucks, books and popcorn from Storytime Village will also be available at the event. This event is free and open to the public.

"The Kansas Latina Summit. Uplifting Latina Power Through Civic Engagement." will take place on June 25th. from 9am. to 4pm. at Wichita State University. It is a day of learning, networking and empowering activities by different organizations and leaders, and it is sponsored by the Kansas Office of the Governor, Kansas Hispanic & Latino American Affairs Commission (KHLAAC), United Healthcare, UFCW2, Reach Healthcare Foundation, and Wichita State University. If you are interested attending this event, please register and get your tickets ($15.00) before the Registration deadline on June 15th in this website.

The Kansas Latina Summit  will take place 9 a.m.-4 p.m. June 25 at the Rhatigan Student Center. The theme is “Uplifting Latina Power Through Civic Engagement.” The day will include learning, networking and empowering activities by different organizations and leaders

The event is sponsored by the Kansas Office of the Governor, Kansas Hispanic and Latino American Affairs Commission (KHLAAC), United Healthcare, UFCW2, Reach Healthcare Foundation, and Wichita State University.

Tickets are $15 and attendants must register before June 17. For more information, contact rocio.delaguila@wichita.edu or arely.navarrete@wichita.edu.