Graphical fire hydrant and flame with the text stay safe and learn more about fire safety resources

Wichita State University is committed to the safety of its campus community and provides fire safety resources to help Shockers stay safe on and off campus.

Learn more and find resources on how to stay safe on the Fire & Safety Office webpage, including information on:

  • Working with open flames, heat or sparks
  • Proper use of extension cords
  • Restrictions for potentially dangerous decorations
  • Proper use of fireworks and other pyrotechnics
  • WSU’s commitment to a tobacco free campus
  • How to use fire extinguishers in the case of an emergency
  • Filling out a permit to host a grilling activity
  • The prohibition on the use of portable space heaters
  • The potential fire hazards of battery powered mobility devices
  • General advice on fire safety off campus
  • Keeping corridors free of storage and equipment for emergency evacuations

For more information or questions, contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety.

Morrison Hall on campus in the snow

In response to expected inclement weather, Wichita State University will move to remote operations Tuesday, Jan. 16. Critical campus operations will remain open, and employees who support these operations are expected to report to campus. All other employees should work remotely when possible. Classes will be moved to remote delivery.

At this time, classes and university operations are expected to resume Wednesday, Jan. 17 as scheduled.

Students with questions can reach out to their instructors, and employees can reach out to their supervisors.

Critical campus operations that will remain open include student housing, dining options (which may reduce business hours as needed), campus police, facilities services, research laboratories (at faculty discretion), student wellness (which may reduce business hours as needed) and operations otherwise designated by the president, athletic director or any vice president.

Employees can refer to the timekeeping website for more information on time reporting, pay and leave.

See university inclement weather guidelines for general information.

Additional updates will be shared as it becomes available. Thank you for your cooperation as we work together to ensure the safety of our campus community.

Morrison Hall on campus in the snow

In response to the current inclement weather, Wichita State University will move to remote operations, effective immediately. Critical campus operations will remain open, and employees who support these operations are expected to report to campus. All other employees should work remotely when possible. Pre-session classes will be moved to remote delivery. 

At this time, classes and university operations are expected to resume Wednesday as scheduled. 

Students with questions can reach out to their instructors, and employees can reach out to their supervisors. 

Critical campus operations that will remain open include student housing, dining options (which may reduce business hours as needed), campus police, facilities services, research laboratories (at faculty discretion), student wellness (which may reduce business hours as needed) and operations otherwise designated by the president, athletic director or any vice president. 

Employees can refer to the timekeeping website for more information on time reporting, pay and leave.  

See university inclement weather guidelines for general information

Additional updates will be shared as it becomes available. Thank you for your cooperation as we work together to ensure the safety of our campus community.  

Police vehicle parked in front of Morrison Hall with Hide you items, Take your keys, Lock your vehicle. If you see any suspicious activity, call 978-3450. Hide your items, take your keys, lock your vehicle, call 978-3450

Members of Shocker Nation should take time to protect their valuables. If you must leave something in your car, hide it, make sure you always take your keys and lock your car doors.

If you experience an issue with a break-in or damage to your car, call 316-978-3450 from your cellular device or 911 from a Campus Phone. Also available are any of the many Blue Light phones located across campus.

Wichita State Fire and Safety and Meyers Automatic Fire Protection will conduct annual testing on the fire sprinkler systems throughout the campus. The testing will begin the week of Monday, March 27 and will continue until completed.

Annual fire sprinkler testing is required by state law and is vital in keeping WSU safe.

Interruptions to classes and daily business will try to be avoided but may occur. If an alarm is sounded, occupants should treat it as an actual alarm unless informed by Fire and Safety or the contractor that evacuation is not necessary.

Questions can be directed to Fire and Safety Coordinators Scott Murray at 316-978-5803 or Dennis Moore at 316-978-5531.

Wichita State Fire and Safety and Meyers Automatic Fire Protection will be conducting annual testing on the fire sprinkler systems throughout the campus. The testing will begin the week of Monday, March 27 and continue until completed.

Annual fire sprinkler testing is required by state law and is vital in keeping WSU safe.

Interruptions to classes and daily business will try to be avoided but may occur. If an alarm is sounded, occupants should treat it as an actual alarm unless informed by Fire and Safety or the contractor that evacuation is not necessary.

Questions can be directed to Fire and Safety Coordinators Scott Murray at 316-978-5803 or Dennis Moore at 316-978-5531.

Photo of storm clouds over campus

WSU will participate in the annual statewide severe weather preparedness drill. The annual drill this year is at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 7. If the weather is clear, all severe weather sirens in Sedgwick County will go off at that time. When the severe weather sirens sound, proceed to your designated severe weather shelter area.

Emergency Building Coordinators in each building will ensure that all building occupants safely make their way to the designated severe weather shelter area.

Departments should use this opportunity to ensure that all faculty, staff and students know where to go to protect themselves in a severe weather event.

On behalf of Shocker Nation, we are heartbroken at the news of the horrific violence experienced on another college campus in our nation. We stand with our friends and colleagues at Michigan State University whose lives have been irrevocably changed, and we offer our sincere and wholehearted support as the Michigan State community grieves, heals and rebuilds.  

For our Wichita State family, we understand that events like this can raise concerns. Our highest priority is your safety.  

Please take a moment to go over some of WSU’s safety measures:  

  • While walking and attending outdoor events on campus, students, employees and visitors can alert the WSU police department of a safety threat by pressing a button on one of the more than 40 emergency call boxes across campus. Activating the emergency device will dispatch an officer to the area and alert people in the area of the distress with bright flashing lights. 
  • The university police department is a fully commissioned enforcement agency, trained and experienced to handle all levels of threat. The dedicated officers here at WSU are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to serve and protect students, faculty, staff and our community. And as always, if you see something, say something. 
  • Active shooter training, safety escorts, and emergency and first responder support are also provided by WSU police. More information on training for campus departments or groups can be requested from the university police department at or 316-978-3450. 

We are continuously reviewing, improving and updating our campus safety protocols and technology to ensure that our Shockers can learn and grow in a safe and secure environment. If you have any questions, please reach out to UPD or submit a concern on the safety feedback form.  

For those who are struggling to with anxiety about safety, Wichita State offers several mental health resources, including Counseling and Prevention Services, the CARE Team and the Employee Assistance Program.  

Please remember that at WSU, no call is too small, and help is just a phone call away. As Shockers, we’re always here to support each other. 

The Wichita State Police Department encourages all students, faculty, staff and visitors to remain safe while driving and walking across campus.

WSUPD offers the following safety tips to both drivers and pedestrians:

For drivers:

  • Follow all traffic laws, including driving at or under speed limits and coming to a full stop at stop signs.
  • Stop for all pedestrians and offer proper clearance for them to cross the road.
  • Be vigilant when approaching intersections. Even if you have a green light, pedestrians may still be crossing.
  • Be prepared for pedestrians to cross the road if you see them approaching a crosswalk. They may not give you adequate signals they will cross before doing so.
  • Make sure to use your blinkers when making turns, and check that you don’t accidently have your blinker on when you don’t intend to turn.
  • When making turns, make sure to check for pedestrians in front of you as well as where you are turning into.
  • If you see a yellow light, slow down and stop if it is safe to do so. Pedestrians may start crossing as you pass through.
  • Be extra vigilant when visibility is low, such as at night or in heavy rain, snow or fog.
  • Consider using the Wichita State Transit buses when traffic is high or visibility is low, or when you have to drive a considerable distance across campus.

For pedestrians:

  • Follow all traffic laws and traffic signals that tell you when and when not to cross.
  • Always use marked crosswalks. Many drivers are not expecting pedestrians crossing elsewhere.
  • Check for cars coming from both directions before you begin to cross the road.
  • Remain vigilant for cars when crossing the road. Pedestrians have the right of way on roads, but drivers may not see you crossing in time to slow down.
  • Make sure drivers coming from both directions have clear sight of you before you cross the road.
  • When using a crosswalk, make it clear that you are about to cross before doing so to give drivers enough time to see you, slow down and let you through.
  • If a driver has their car blinker on, make sure they are slowing down and completing the turn before crossing the road. They may have a malfunction or left it on by mistake and may not be turning.
  • Be extra vigilant when visibility is low, such as at night or in heavy rain, snow or fog.
  • Consider using the Wichita State Transit buses when traffic is high or visibility is low, or when you have to walk a considerable distance across campus.

Student Conduct & Community Standards (SCCS) is raising awareness regarding certain policies in the Code of Conduct at WSU, and the focus for January is damage and destruction of property.

Damage or destruction of property is defined as “Engaging in the intentional, unintentional, reckless or unauthorized defacement, damage or destruction of University property or the property of another. This includes all acts of vandalism.”

More details regarding Damage and/or Destruction of Property and other policies in the Student Code of Conduct can be found in Section VI: Prohibited Conduct in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook.

SCCS is here to help ensure that students have a safe experience at Wichita State. WSU faculty or staff members should use the conduct incident response form to report any potential conduct issues to the SCCS office throughout the school year. To explore other reporting forms (such as the Academic Integrity Reporting Form) at WSU, visit the “Report It” homepage.