Shocker Career Accelerator, Wichita State University, First Destination Survey

The Shocker Career Accelerator is launching the First Destination Survey (FDS) to all undergrad and graduate students who have filled out an application for a degree for fall 2021. The FDS is completed by graduating students online and, based on national standards, captures how new college graduates fare in their careers within six months of graduation. The information collected from the FDS provides precise, concise and consistent data on the outcomes associated with a college education on a national scale. Outcomes include: (1) types of employment—full or part-time, contract, freelance, (2) additional education, e.g., accepted to graduate or professional school, (3) still seeking either employment, further education or military and (4) starting salary for those employed full time (not a required field).

Encourage your graduating students to complete the survey starting Nov. 14. 

Graphic featuring text 'Shocker Career Accelerator. Wichita State University.'

As the fall 2021 semester continues, the members of Shocker Career Accelerator want to remind Wichita State students about the key student employment services they offer.

For students seeking employment in co-op, internships, and applied learning opportunities, Mark Bengtson, Mariem Berrada and Lance Minor are the primary contacts. The three also oversee enrollment in co-ops and internships and can field questions regarding student learning objectives and final projects for enrolled co-op and internship students.

Henry Ford famously said, “Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you’re right.” Ford’s adage highlights the power of positive thinking, warns of the danger of negative thinking, and reminds us how much mindset matters.

While we may think that success leads to happiness, studies consistently demonstrate that the reverse is actually true: happiness leads to success. Happiness promotes success in health, work, and relationships.