Wichita State University Theatre has produced a four-episode web series, “The Rule of Three,” as part of the WSU Theatre season this year. The show was written by Theatre professor and director of filmmaking at Wichita State, Bret Jones.
“The Rule of Three” is a comedy and drama that follows Douglas, a writer in the making, who has three people who are close to him all die on the same day at the same time. They come back as ghosts and haunt Douglas as he tries to get used to their deaths and with them being in his life from beyond the grave.
WSU Theatre has been making a film project as part of their annual season for the past few years. “The training for the actors working in front of the camera is a valued part of our performers’ training,” Jones said. Students that get cast in the film project learn what is required to act on camera, expectations on a set, and other aspects of performing in film. The training complements the students work in theatrical productions, as well as audio work, which the students are exposed to while participating in the theatre program at Wichita State University.
The Rule of Three cast: WSU Theatre students—TJ Wade, Alice Cashman, Nora Dooley, Mirta Santana Morales, and Wesley Sweigart. Student directors: Julian Cornejo, Sang Le, and Ryan Reise.