Want to learn more about the McNair Scholars Program? Attend an upcoming info session

Are you an undergraduate with dreams of earning a doctorate? The McNair Scholars Program is now accepting applications.

Why become a McNair Scholar? The benefits include:

  • Academic advising and personalized mentoring
  • Hands-on research opportunities and conference presentations
  • Graduate school application assistance
  • Exclusive workshops and seminars to enhance your skills and knowledge

If you are interested in learning more, attend one of the upcoming info sessions:

  • 11 a.m.-noon Wednesday, Feb. 26 in 165 Grace Wilkie Annex
  • 2:30-3 p.m. Feb. 26 virtually — email mcnairscholars@wichita.edu for a virtual link

For more information, call 316-978-3139 or visit the McNair Scholars website.