KMUW will host a bond issue forum from 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18 at KMUW, 121 N. Mead St., suite 200, ahead of the Feb. 25 election, when voters will decide on a $450 million bond issue proposed by USD 259 Wichita Public Schools. The money would finance school construction and fund other improvements.
The discussion will be guided by KMUW education reporter Suzanne Perez with representatives from groups on both sides of the proposed bond issue participating.
- Bradley Dyer Jr., a senior business development officer with Credit Union of America, is leading the “Yes for Wichita Kids” campaign. He will speak in favor of the bond issue.
- Ben Davis, a Republican strategist, formed the political action committee “Wichita United for Better Education.” He will speak in opposition to the bond issue.
An opportunity for questions from the audience will be available at the end of the forum.