Printer, copier inventory project underway

Beginning January 2024, ITS will conduct a research and inventory initiative to better understand printer and copier usage across the campus. ITS believes the information gathered from this research will significantly enhance the printing experience and help it make informed decisions about its printing resources.

Here is what to expect:

  • A dedicated student team will visit every office on campus. Their mission is to assess the number of printers in use in each office.
  • These students will carefully pull reports from each printer, allowing ITS to gather valuable data for analysis and to identify best practices.
  • The ITS team will be in touch with each department to coordinate a convenient date and time for the visit, ensuring a smooth process.

ITS appreciates the campus’s cooperation and willingness to assist in this project. The support and collaboration are crucial to its success in making printing at Wichita State more efficient and sustainable.

Questions regarding this initiative can be sent to Warren Glore, ITS project manager, at