Wichita State was chosen last fall to participate in the VOLARÉ Institute of HACU

The goal of the VOLARÉ Institute of HACU (Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities) is to build research capabilities at the participating HSI institutions by increasing funding levels and expanding STEM initiatives. The VOLARÉ Institute is funded by NSF for at least the inaugural year. The WSU team consists of Dr. Sara Mata, executive director of Hispanic Serving Initiatives; Dr. Rhonda Lewis, professor and graduate coordinator in the Department of Psychology; and Dr. Coleen Pugh, dean of the Graduate School.

WSU faculty are encouraged to fill out the VOLARE Institute Faculty Survey. Check your email for your personal invitation to complete the survey. The link would have been sent to your WSU email address March 4. It will be sent again on March 11 if you have not already completed it by then.