University Staff Senate invites you to join the second annual Shocker STRIVE Conference for staff development

The STRIVE planning committee and Staff Senate have worked to create the Shocker STRIVE Conference as an opportunity that is flexible for any staff interested in learning while also making connections with others. The conference will have half-day (morning and afternoon) sessions to allow staff to attend at a time that is convenient for their schedule.

The conference will be on April 4 and feature three sets of morning sessions will be from 8:30 a.m. to noon and the three sets of afternoon sessions will be from 1 to 4:30 p.m. April 4 in Woolsey Hall. Topics include:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Campus climate
  • Difficult conversations
  • Staff resources
  • Time management, goal setting
  • Strengths finder and leadership skills

Register by Friday, March 14. Learn more about the conference.