Wichita State has a single website for all students, staff and faculty to utilize for reporting any incidents of concerning behavior. If you see something that gives you cause for concern, submit any information you have through the appropriate form at wichita.edu/reportit. The website includes reporting forms for:
- Care Team – Used to report any person who is concerned about the health or safety of a WSU student, employee, visitor or the campus community at large
- Title IX/Discrimination – Used to report any discrimination on the basis of sex and all forms of protected characteristic discrimination
- Bias Incident – Used to report any bias related incidents
- Student Advocate – Used to report any student complaint, where the student advocate can help provide resources and resolution options
- Conduct – Used to report behavior that is disruptive to the campus community, infringes on any person’s ability to successfully pursue their academic progress, violates the Student Code of Conduct, or puts others or themselves in danger
- Academic Integrity – Used to report violations of the WSU Policies and Procedures Manual Section 2.17 / Student Academic Integrity
- Clery – Used to report any clery crimes
Remember that if there is an emergency, always call Wichita State Police at 316-978-3450 or dial 911 for Wichita Police.