13th annual Shocker Leadership Awards application is now open

Student Engagement & Belonging is happy to announce its 13th annual Shocker Leadership Awards committee is now accepting applications for the 2024-25 academic year. The award recognizes student organizations and student leaders, faculty and staff for their contributions to student engagement and belonging on campus.

All registered student organizations and university affiliated groups are eligible to apply.

The award categories are as follows:

Individual awards

  • RSO President of the Year
  • Advisor of the Year

Organization awards

  • Commitment to Belonging
  • Commitment to Civic Mindedness
  • Co-Sponsored Program of the Year
  • Educational Program of the Year
  • Large Student Organization of the Year
  • New Program of the Year
  • New Student Organization of the Year
  • Outstanding Program of the Year
  • Small Student Organization of the Year

For more information on the specific requirements for each award and to apply, visit Student Engagement & Belonging’s website. The deadline for applications is by 11:59 p.m. Friday, March 7.