Chad Childs selected to participate in the SUSTAIN Learning Collaborative to advance substance use treatment policies

Headshot of Chad Childs

Chad Childs, Prevention Initiatives manager at WSU’s Community Engagement Institute, has been invited to join the Substance Use System Transformation and Integration Network (SUSTAIN) Learning Collaborative, supported by the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS), Pew Charitable Trusts and Bloomberg Philanthropies. Selected by Laura Moore from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Chad will help advance substance use disorder (SUD) prevention, treatment and recovery services in Kansas.

Over a year, teams will participate in virtual meetings, receive expert guidance and explore ways to expand access to naloxone, addiction treatment medications and evidence-based SUD services. The initiative builds on CHCS’s strategies for using Medicaid and public funding to strengthen SUD care. Chad’s involvement in SUSTAIN will support equitable, effective substance use care and policy improvements in Kansas.