The WSU Symphony Orchestra will showcase the exceptional talent of student soloists at the annual Concerto-Aria Concert at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11 in Miller Concert Hall at Duerksen Fine Arts Center. Under the baton of Dr. Mark Laycock, this concert highlights four outstanding musicians performing masterful works from the orchestral and operatic repertoire.
Featured soloists include Hannah Kavanaugh, flute, performing Chaminade’s Concerto; Miranda Marler, percussion, presenting movements from Russell Peck’s Harmonic Rhythm; Helena Kopp, piano, bringing the energy of Gershwin’s iconic Rhapsody in Blue; and Pulip Han, soprano, delivering the dazzling aria “Ah! non giunge” from Bellini’s “La Sonnambula.”
Students can get a ticket at no additional charge with their Shocker IDs, thanks to the Student Government Association. General admission to the concert is $6-12. Get your tickets at the Fine Arts Box Office in Duerksen Fine Arts Center or at