Student Conduct & Community Standards (SCCS) is wanting to raise awareness regarding certain policies in the code of conduct at WSU. In February, it is discussing damage and/or destruction of property.
Did you know that damage and/or destruction of property is defined as “Engaging in the intentional, unintentional, reckless, and/or unauthorized defacement, damage, or destruction of University property or the property of another. This includes all acts of vandalism.”
More details regarding damage and/or destruction of property and other policies in the Student Code of Conduct can be found in Section VI: Prohibited Conduct in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook.
SCCS is here to help ensure that everyone’s student experience is safe. To report any potential conduct issues throughout the school year, use the conduct incident response form to report them to the SCCS office. For other reporting forms at Wichita State, visit