Learn more about the course evaluation tool: CES

Periodically, information will be posted regarding Watermark’s Course Evaluations & Surveys (CES) tool to help users better understand Wichita State’s new course evaluation tool.

Today’s focus is on response rate.

  • A response rate widget will appear on the instructor’s dashboard when the semester’s project starts. However, data for a course may not appear until that course evaluation is available to the students.
  • In the list below, there are some suggestions to potentially increase response rates and receive useful and constructive feedback.
    • Designate time in class for students to complete evaluations.
    • Add a blurb about course evaluations in the syllabus.
    • Let students know that you value their honest and constructive feedback and tell them how you use their feedback.
    • When evaluations open for the course, remind students that they are available.
    • Remind students that evaluations are completely anonymous, and results are not available until after grades are turned in to the Registrar’s office.
    • It is best to complete the evaluations sooner in the evaluation period rather than later. Blackboard will be affected if the student has not taken some action regarding the evaluation towards the end of the administration period.
  • There is a dedicated CES website that includes additional information.

For questions, contact Sandy Ranney at evaluations@ces.wichita.edu.