Welcome back, faculty and staff

Dear Shocker faculty and staff:

Welcome back to Wichita State! I hope you had a restful and rejuvenating winter break. As we step into a new year filled with opportunities, I want to take a moment to thank you for the passion and dedication you bring to our students and our university. Together, we continue to make Wichita State a place where innovation and excellence thrive.

I’m also excited to introduce Dr. Monica Lounsbery as our new provost and executive vice president. Dr. Lounsbery brings a wealth of experience and a strong vision for academic excellence. You’ll be able to find her in 109 Morrison Hall, and she can be reached at monica.lounsbery@wichita.edu or 316-978-3010. I encourage you to stop by, send her a note or say hello if you see her around campus. You can hear from her further down in this newsletter.

To formally welcome Dr. Lounsbery, we will be hosting a meet-and-greet event at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23 in 233 Rhatigan Student Center, Santa Fe Trail Room. I hope you’ll join us! Make sure to RSVP by Wednesday, Jan. 22.

Thank you for all you do to support our students and community. Let’s make this semester one to remember.

Go Shockers!
President Rick Muma